yikes, thanks for the info, we'll keep in touch
Type: Posts; User: Urbankayaker
yikes, thanks for the info, we'll keep in touch
OHHHHHHHHHH, that one. That is a SICK wave. That was tons of fun, we rode that one for quite a while. I wish there was a rope or something so you didn't have to get out and walk those rocks.
I don't know pipeline.... please elaborate...(New to the Montana scene :) )
Hey all, since we're on the topic of rivers runnin' and what not I figured I bring the Lochsa into the fray. Just ran it this past weekend... OH BOY! It was super fun, and will only become more fun....
Hey dudes and dudettes! Ben here, just saying hi, and wondering if anyone in my area (Bozeman) wants to hit up Clark's fork of the yellowstone of maybe Big Timber Falls, also in two weeks we're going...
388, yeah BOI!
Hey, I'm looking for a all mountain board that is light but also wide enough for a size 12 boot. I gotta stress I really want something I can still huck hard off of a kicker and not feel sluggish. ...
Hey everyone, I got a little predicament. I need a creeker, but I'm not exactly sure which one I want. Looking for some opinions on these boats: Dagger Nomad, Dagger Mamba, LL Gus, LL Hoss, and the...
That is amazing...
Hells bells dude, I really want to hit that shit up....(drool)
thank you sir, the best thing about Plake is his old school style and the fact that his mohawk is always there.... fuck.... finals are over, and I'm drunk. Hells bells
Glen Plake spotted chillin' in the Bozone... Is that how you spell his name? Anyways, it was pretty sweet heading up for an afternoon at Bridger Bowl and seeing his enormous tour bus with his...
Good shit, I like the saying at the end though, "We're all between swims". Very eloquently put :the_finge
Does anyone know where the Stein RIver is? I saw it on LVM and was like "DAMN!" I wanna hit that shit! :eek:
good shit
Recommendations for good waveboats?
Dude, that is sick shit! I won't make the same mistake again though, If, and when I run it, I'm doin it in a creeker not my ZG. I'd love to hit that shit! WHen does it run?
well, nothing too bad, I did most S-turn upside down... I was in my Wavesport ZG. It was a little too small, but next time I'll use a bigger boat.
WOw, yesterday I ran Quake Lake, which is on the Madison river in Montana. It originally was on a flat stretch of river but a massive earthquake in the 50's turned it into a class V stretch of...
touche (or however it is spelled)
Oh shit man... it would've made that even more epic if you were drunk, the rafting standard, with the token "whoopin' n' a hollerin'"
I believe the full version goes like this... "Hey Jimmy, hold my beer and WATCH THIS!"
wow, there was a lot less water when I did it... kinda scrapy... hahaha
My plan is to run the right side this spring when it gets some more water... cross your fingers!
sweet dude! I remember that! haha that was great... I was like "oh shit" right when you dropped into that hole upside down. While upside down I saw you stop dead in your tracks... OUCH! that was a...
Hello again everyone... This friday I'm playin a lil hooky and I'm gonna hit up Mesa falls in Idaho. Anyone who has ran this sucker know a good line?
I'd say a Dagger RPM or RPM max would be a perfect boat
They are big enough, stable, and great for running rivers. They are the all around best boat available for anyone... PERIOD. It is the best...
Baker, if you were here you'd paddle with me... wouldn't you!?
There's rain on the horizon right now...
Hmmmm, my experience... I'd say I'm a pretty ok paddler. I can handle 3+ pretty well. The Mad Mile I can handle solidly, and anything higher than that I'm pretty good in too. If I get in a bigger...
Hey everyone, I'm back after a long summer of paddlin'... and I need someone to boat with in the Bozeman area. I put up a sign in the ORC (outdoor Rec center), but I don't think anyone will reply. ...
The top ones are pretty good for newbies, but I can't really tell ya about the prices as I am not a worldly man, in fact I'm barely even a nationly man, I'm more of a my room man.
Such as?
Have you ever run Ohiopyle?
EDIT- found the name and a pic of the the falls... Now this may not work, I kinda really suck at putting these pics in here....
Does anyone know what the name of the waterfall is right before the lower Yaugh? I know it is only allowed to be run once a year at this festival thing. I really really wanna hit it, it looks sick.
-- That's a pretty sick Donkey Flip
Yough- My favorite river, just grand! (HEY! I'm wearin the t-shirt now! awesome!)
Nantahala- NOC is def a rockin' scene. lots of cool boaters down there. Nice...
Hey Ak Pride, you go to MSU?
Hey, was some of your footage taken at Alpine Valley WI?
Since we're on the topic of selling boats, I figured I bring mine out too... I've got a slightly used 2002 (I think) Prijon Delirious that I need to sell. Anyone interested?
he doesn't feel like answering apparently...
what year?
haha yeah, I noticed that too
how'd you get it to work?
Well crap... it didn't work! FUDGE
Thanks, here's my try...
numba 1...
here comes....
the pain....
How do you post a pic? I've been trying to take my pic out of the user gallery, but whenver I try to do the IMG thing it doesn't work! What am I doing wrong?!
So nice to see people actually starting to post on this forum... I was getting lonely during those cold months.;)
Soooo many big boy words
Yeah, I know, that's what the derrr was for...