Capri is way better. There is a ferry from Naples
Type: Posts; User: slackerpbr
Capri is way better. There is a ferry from Naples
Sounds like a start
M p
Need help buying a jacket tomorrow at the store willing to provide beers for a code SLC
In please
I did lift maintenance for a season and every morning we had a checklist sheet where we would count broken strands and grip slip on fixed chairs that’s what the paint stripes are for . We would spend...
Hey delco
What's the difference between three dicks and a joke?
Your mom can't take a joke[emoji14]
Now that's funny and it made my day
I am so sick of prices of shit like you with disclaimers for their fucked up views . We are not slow we got it we don't have closed minds nor are we prudes with tight asses which is an entirely...
So your a racist cunt? Fuck off now!
It's been so long since I've been to sf you didn't go to Richmond without back up
Say what you want usana rocked great show fun village not co but great vibes fun times enjoy if you can
Your all right move along nothing to see here
Pretty tame try soli after a llc closure or Pc after anything over 6" now there's a shit show
Is that a picture of the DI bin?
But pretty sure you will win a Darwin Award
It is in bounds
Until your not
No head out of summit and start hiking you don't need a becon or anything you'll be fine
Can't believe no lift mechanics posting part of your morning start up on fixed grips is grip slip and broken strands that's why you see paint marks on the cable