any idea on the brake size, besides wide?
Type: Posts; User: mposa
any idea on the brake size, besides wide?
what size bindings, and what bsl on the mount?
Any idea what NH lifts will look like on Sunday, I think the kiddies are getting out of school this week. Sun should have some fresh snow, so was thinking of hitting loon (friend has a pass...
pm set on the jacket
What size are the Dukes? Mounted on the line? For what BSL?
big head, i like. pm sent.
Aren't L and XL different sizes for Smith helmets?
gorgeous. a perfect read for a hot july morning!
Seconded. Love this jacket for breathability. The windstopper fabric is not very water resistant, however.
scary stuff. vibes
sold to J
Got some demo bindings off skis I bought that I replaced with Barons that I got from ptex (thanks bro)
I think the bindings are last years, the DIN only goes up to 12. I have not skied them...
bump for a wednesday m orning
I love how the maggot replies are all over the place here. Now I just need to get some Dukes...
Looking to spend $200 on some used Large Marker Dukes or Barons--unless there's a good reason I shouldn't use Barons (6'2'', 175 lbs). Help this poor sap get into the BC on his own skis for once :-)
pm incoming
Kind of a dark silver on the toe wings.
I've got a used pair (still mounted, trying to find dukes to replace them) on a pair of demo skis I just acquired. I think they're 2011, but is there a good way to tell for sure?
i've done a bit. what exactly do you need help with?
explain what you need and maybe I can help.
As the title suggests, will I have any issues removing Marker Griffon Demo bindings and replacing them with Barons or Dukes? (Or getting a shop to do it).
From what I've read, it shouldn't be...
if the first buyer falls through let me know
Title says it all. Looking for some boots (ideally the Zzeus or Titan 29.5) and skis (177cm Volkl Mantras). Thanks!