Hi Dump,
If I can sell my Praxis Mtn Jibs, extra carbon, I may be interested.
Great ski - just not used to the rockered tip/tail. First fun ski I've owned, I'm used to a more traditional...
Type: Posts; User: laotze
Hi Dump,
If I can sell my Praxis Mtn Jibs, extra carbon, I may be interested.
Great ski - just not used to the rockered tip/tail. First fun ski I've owned, I'm used to a more traditional...
Hi Gunniride,
I set you an email. I'm definitely interested. Please let me know. thanks !!
I have all black (2007/2008) 186 EHPs, if interested -- brand new, never mounted, still in plastic.
Sent pm.
I may be interested in selling a pair of 2008 Movement gladiators, 2008, 183 cm, 125 - 92 - 113 (25R) mounted with hammerheads.
Skied maybe 20 - 25 times. Very good condition.