Type: Posts; User: Skrilla Gorilla
DIY then bring your work product to three different attorneys to get bids for checking it over and revising, executing and notarizing, and holding it on file until you croak. Do as much leg work as...
We left D.C. because it was out of balance. The schools had trailers on the lawn and were overcrowded. The traffic was sould crushing for commutes, and we sould be "traffic locked" from 4PM~7PM; it...
Two years ago I made everything pictured, except for the tortillas (both chip and flour,) from scratch.
Not worth the effort.
That looks incredible, is it particle board? We just used it for our built-ins. Couldn't believe how smoothly my ancient, dull table saw ripped the shelves to depth.
I got stencils and another...
Last layers and paint. I saw a "thick, fills gap" auto primer in Home Despot today. I wish I'd seen it when I was buying these cans.
Glassing on top. I did two layers on each side. It made for many recesses which became a minor problem later. But I wanted to have the rudimentary drywall tape fiberglass crossing in different...
Lots of progress with just 1.5 layers of fiberglass and Oatey ABS cement on the interior side of the lid only with some stint jury-rigged pressure to assist.
Note also the white gas for...
I used both a circular sander and a sponge. The Makita only got used for a minute, a 60grit sponges was plenty. Also, white gas for the camp stove really went a mile in cleaning/prepping the spots...
Some shots of the first layer in the interior. With pliable, adhesive fiberglass it was relatively easy to get the sheetings to pull together/reform/line up on cracks that weren't as bad as the area...
I repaired (with my mitts) a Thule Frontier my wife wedged under the garage door econo. This was my first time using Oatey ABS adhesive. Drywall tape fiberglass and some elbow grease did the rest......
My favorite team.
Big thanks to the sagely sages.
The landlady reports that McCoy Park flattens like Kansas and requires clicking out to get to the lift. The Youtube machine seems to indicate nothing of the sort.
Who has a burning desire to help a maggot with some beta on how to avoid long skates with my kids and one foot in my snowboard at teh beav? I'm taking those two fuckers plus my wife and kool inlaws...
This duped me earlier this morning, fuck those ski Nazis. Twice on April Fool's.
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What I fucking hate is how doctors and dentists can get away with making you wait 15mins+ for a meeting. If any attorney ever PRETENDED to make a client wait for more than five minutes they'd be...
No tech inserts on the AT soles BUT PRICED TO MOVE!!!!
tl, dr for mid Atlantic mags
Liberty has turned on their webcam and is blowing snow, Whitetail is even spinning chairs. Any action over/under on when they re-open respectively? Seeing 2"-3"...
I believe you are correct.
Size 27, BSL 306.
Looking to get $25 but looking to get what I can plus shipping from 21014. Going up on Ebay in a few days. Ski/walk mode. Power strap. G-fit liners have never been molded, AT...
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That is also cost prohibitive.
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I cannot fly with them. On the bump they're prohibitively expensive. The Frisco Walmart doesn't appear to have them.
Where does one score these in Colorado at FMV? Asking for a friend...
He is a kook.
Thoughts? Seems expensive...
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Our home mountain...after Liberty.
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What do Alta skiers use for birth control?
Sent from my moto g stylus (2021) using Tapatalk
How does an Alta skier introduce themselves?
"Guten tag."
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Ja, ja. Das brot ist alt, mein führer.
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Breck in April
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It is time for a new thread
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I like you. No homo but there is nothing wrong with that. Clean and safe nuclear power for errbody.
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Did you know there was a station in Japan. Loser to the epicenter that kept functioning through the entire emergency?
Do you know how many people died from radiation exposure at Fukushima Daiichi?...
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Double post
Double post
Got a handle on the facts, eh?
Then why does 42 U.S. Code § 10172 say what it says?
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Look, the NTS is an entirely different asset from Yucca Mountain.
And, listen, your testimony doesn't carry any weight here in the court if public opinion because you've been impeached. So, you...
$100 rt BWI to Denver on Southwest. Both in 2020 and 2021. Cheaper than the hotel and car rental but not by much. But I only ski one day.
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I love teh titties
Sent from my moto g stylus (2021) using Tapatalk
Great read, thank you.
Actually there are two (2) middle.
Did you mean true and single middle?
Alta is for ski Nazis. The national socialist right of skiing.
Sent from my moto g stylus (2021) using Tapatalk
You guys need to loosen up and have a beer in the lodge.
At Alta they serve German beer.
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Still viable and the public (who are hip [not you]) are behind it.
An issue Donald Trump and Joe Biden both agreed on incorrectly.
And one that has impeached you.
Sent from my moto g stylus...
That is funny, then what is this?
We're not that bad...
Clean and safe nuclear power is the only way to reduce the electricity sector's GHG emissions profile while maintaining what most of us consider an acceptably normal standard of living.
But what...