And "across the street" from the Lionhead is Wolverine Basin in the Gravelly's (Wolverine->Gazelle->Gold Butte) where the grizzly bears are HANGRY but the singletrack is sublime:
Type: Posts; User: Montana Rider
And "across the street" from the Lionhead is Wolverine Basin in the Gravelly's (Wolverine->Gazelle->Gold Butte) where the grizzly bears are HANGRY but the singletrack is sublime:
Not to be THAT GUY, but this seems particularly unlikely given the buffalo soldiers of 1897:
I've always just carried in my baggy shorts pocket, that way it comes with me off the bike...
BUT that's not overly comfy so I can see the allure of a food bag which could be used for water/snacks...
if doebedoe doesn't claim it, I'd interested in it for my fat bike -- durable and waterproof sounds perfect...
I thought you just needed to pay for that sticker...
I got one a few years back when I first bought my fat bike but it's expired.
If it's hot and/or you like lakes, this Bozeman ride (in Hyalite) is a classic...
Free / pay camping up there too...
I haven't made it up to...
You could spend some $ here: and see if you can find a like-minded shuttler...
When we rode the plateau I did Ingles Creek (fun downhill) and Silver Run...
[QUOTE=homemadesalsa;6020237]4th and 5th of July up on the CDT west of West Yellowstone. Maybe Panchosdad will chime in with more pics....
You are probably shortchanging Bozeman area but most of the best rides aren't "in" BZN per se:
Blackmore to Cottonwood (Hyalite)
Curly Highline...
I tried to decipher the legalese to see what (good biking) trails were closed under Alternative F and am too dumb to do so...
It "seems" Elkhorns (Muskrat) is still open (right?), though Tizer...
I got some wheels from them 9 years ago... Seem legit
If you do go to Vernal, Flaming Gorge on the way down is mellow but scenic riding to break up drive and the Flume Trail N of Vernal is more woodsy / tech (but still would be fine for the kiddo) than...
Strangely enough I picked up a cheap pair from Amazon last week for the kiddo's fatbike.
While she hasn't used them (yet) they seem identical (different logos is all I can see) to my older pair of...
As others have said that "deal" isn't much of a deal given Motobecane's already low, low prices...
I picked up a 2nd fat bike (Boris X5, i.e. lower tier components) for my 13 yo from their scratch...
Thx for the beta, did Keg to Taylor last summer (sweet views...) and want to camp out by Coal for a few days to see how those segments ride -- though (chain saw fatbiker man) has made similar...
That faint trail and tree look familiar -- Keg Springs to Blair Lake overlook? -- or was that over to the west (Cottonwood Ching Creek area?)
When I was scouting Aldous/Hancock lakes last...
Reminder: Lionhead SWMMBA camping / trail work weekend starts next week (Friday the 12th...)
Join SWMMBA for a weekend-long trail-clearing...
I have a gently used '16 Woom 3 (14" wheels) available in green...
Looks like the only change to current model is the addition of a chain guard (above.)
Bumpity-bump -- comment deadline is today for CGNF
Speak up now before it's too late:
And then come out for the...
We've had a good winter but it should be riding by the middle of July.
Until recently spring has been warm and rainy which is helping with the snowpack..
Some folks "in the know" think the...
Trails were primo yesterday.
First time riding the ridge.
Totally jealous of the longer riding season and easy access to the trail network.
Helena definitely has the best "in town" riding in...
Sorry for thready drift, but headed up the Helena THIS Thursday and hoping to ride Mt. Helena Ridge => Show me the Horse
Are those trails dried out?
I'm planning to meet a friend and...
The annual work parties are a great "excuse" to ride the area, give back and drink good beer.
I think this year's Lionhead weekend is 12th+ of July due to decent snowpack.
If you're still looking by May there's this too:
Similar to the annual ski swap, I think there are better "DEALS" to be found via Craigslist but there's usually a pretty large inventory...
Looks like the biking advocates are starting to respond to the Wilderness astroturf including my own $0.02 (toot => my own horn)
I don't think much of MT high country will be riding by then but I am not sure how quickly Kettle Crest dries out in Eastern WA -- that's been on my bucket list for a while, but I gather trail...
Haven't dug into it myself (much) but this seems salient to your (and my!) interests:
2.5.5 Alternative C
Alternative C also represents a mix of recommended wilderness areas, backcountry areas,...
I haven't ridden at all in Park County despite living in BZN for 18 yrs, and plan to change that this summer...
I would be happy to provide some additional hands/labor and beer for a ride or two...
I've passed through a few times en route to Co/Fruita, and have done most of the stuff around McCoy flats which was fun
I found the flume trail (higher elevation so n/s re conditions and mud) to...
Your map proved very helpful (THANKS!) as I was on the upper road crossing that mining area and by the time I realized I was "too high" it was 1/4 mile bushwhack straight down to where the...
You're killing me (and by you, I mean the wilderness freaks) since Sheep is my favorite "regular" ride.
I finally got around to riding on the Centennials range (Keg Springs to Taylor Mountain...
I am hoping to finally ride Line Creek this weekend and sample some of the other goods around Red Lodge.
I know there's (pay) Basin campground but looks booked up.
Can you car camp on any pull...
I'm fixing up a rental cabin in Island Park ID (<30 from Lionhead, and closer to the Southern Centennials CDT rides)
The cabin is 2 blocks from the terminus of the mellow Henry's Fork float (Big...
I remember the original post, and agree a well curated list of greater BZN area rides -- Blackmore to Cottonwood being one of my favorite local "bigger" rides that jumps out as missing...
Despite nearly 20 years here, I still haven't sampled the goods in Helena yet, but I would put a second plug in for this ride mentioned on Page 1, which is on "my Top 10" funnest downhills.
It may...
Yes there is, I like to camp at Cliff Point and/or Wade Lake Campground, which is still fairly close (20 - 30 mins?) to the trailheads and rather scenic.
First come, first served (i.e. no...
I've chatted with Corey about this, he's not a big fan of ending with Sheep b/c it's more technical (Rocky) and he thinks it's tougher to end that way after a long day in saddle. I don't think Lee...
I forgot to mention Line Creek Plateau (Beartooth) south of Red Lodge in my other reply.
It's threatened, super high Alpine (i.e tundra) riding.
I haven't done it yet but it's #1 on my bucket...
Your list looks spot on, and as MHS said Corey is the man re: Lionhead/Centennials, though I hope to familiarize myself more with the Centennials, now that I'm a (2nd) homeowner down here.
I seem...
Nice to see you and your sweetie again, sorry we bailed out quick on Sunday, but wanted to let you know that Wolverine basin (Southern Gravelly's) is legit.
As in, I have to revise my own Top 5...
SWMT Counterpoint:
Though to be honest, horses do carry the chainsaw(s) uphill...
Last year we cleared every trail in the Henry's...
I did this ride last time I was passing through Flaming Gorge and it was nice way to break up the drive to Vernal:
And this ride outside...
Thanks for the beta, specifically that the upper trail is pretty well delineated these days..
This has been on my bucket list for years and I'd like to ride it when the smoke clears / before first...
I'm a week behind you, but planning Vernal/Fruita/GJ/Denver/Hot Sulphur Springs (my old stomping grounds)/BZN.
If you do hit Fruita, I've been wanting to ride this newish trail: Sarlacc
I "think" they're Eucalyptus trees, non-native to California but everpresent...
This post by former BZN guy John Parker was one of the first mentions I read of Mile->Sheep from 2008:
And has the mileage @ 25 but that's TH to...
I haven't ridden snow caves proper, but it's definately "worthy"...
And I'm not sure what you're riding in W. Yellowstone (assume some combination of CDT/Mile/Sheep Creek...)
There's lots to choose from re: Bozeman, what kind of riding are you looking for?
Bangtail Divide
Emerald Lake
Blackmore -> Cottonwood (epic)
Curly Lake Highline (epic, 1 hour from town)
This post has most of the Bozeman area goods:
In Bridgers:
Bangtail Divide (slightly long)
Blackmore to Cottonwood (EPIC)
Emerald Lake (normal)
This is exactly happened to my SC superlight a few years back, and felt exactly like what you're describing (side to side play) but it was fairly obvious when you played with the rear wheel in my...