Anybody in Mammoth? A pair of 184 wildcats with Warden 13 bindings for $200
Not mine just a deal
Type: Posts; User: MAST3RSHAK3
Anybody in Mammoth? A pair of 184 wildcats with Warden 13 bindings for $200
Not mine just a deal
Pulled the trigger on the Voyagers. Who needs old tech anyway?
With the Moment powers combined, I am the best skier on all mountains.
Bidet to you
Awesome thanks. The logical side of my brain is saying go with the bindings you already have.
Then I look at the Voyagers...
Anybody here ride DWTs with light pin bindings? I just got a pair of DWTs ordered up in 190 and I have a pair of speed radicals I was thinking about throwing on there for my dedicated touring rig to...