Yep, well aware of Iggy's identity. Thanks for the heads up about the post you are referencing - I found it and I see what ya'll are talking about. Must have missed that post when I first scoured...
Type: Posts; User: ScarffnBarff
Yep, well aware of Iggy's identity. Thanks for the heads up about the post you are referencing - I found it and I see what ya'll are talking about. Must have missed that post when I first scoured...
Kid-kapow - thank you very much for your insightful reply. I am quite reluctant to to question your comment because you obviously have way more knowledge than me about ON3P and ski geometry in...
Check out the IggySkier post from 02-24-2020 - it will have the info regarding comfortable range of mounts that kid-kapow mentioned.
FWIW, I have '20 Woodsman 116s in 187cm and I love...
I've heard from a couple of folks that the road up to Mount Charleston closes with some frequency? True or false? If true, dose it close to clear avalanche conditions, or just because they cant keep...
My $.02:
Have driven Michelin X-Ice on an 01 Forester Manual and on an 05 Outback (4 cyl) auto. Worked well, was especially pleased with ice grip and like the (probably worthless) fact that they...
Wahoo for Rogue Valley folks! Had a nice rocky shralp up Mt. A the other afternoon!