I paid for the cottonwood connect a couple times last year and would 100% do it again if it existed
Type: Posts; User: Bojangles Mgillicutty
I paid for the cottonwood connect a couple times last year and would 100% do it again if it existed
All I want is more buses. That's it. I wouldn't even mind the ridiculously long drives up and down the canyon if I knew that going to a PNR at 7AM means I can get a seat on the bus and that I can...
today was fun, 1" forecast turned into 12" of snow, i even went off the groomer a couple times
surely someone is skiing these somewhere
I just bought some raw at a vely nice price but would have paid 1 million dollars for that purple one
I have almost new pivot 15 with 95 br, looking for 115
I'll take the blanks if Bandit changes his mind
260 grams over? Lame
Thanks good info. I'm putting them on 2 pairs, each about 2100g per ski. I don't fuck with mounts theyre going to the shop
True but I don't know the answer until I climb up a couple hills with them on my feet
Well I just bought some. Curious if the pain of the weight, transitions, and risers will be balanced out by skiing pivots.
Thanks. I think I'm leaning towards the free 97. The 88 sounds awfully skinny. I'm tempted by the BC90 (and 110) but I'm a cheapskate and hesitant to try reverse camber in the backcountry despite...
I'm gonna rephrase my question I posted in this thread a couple weeks ago:
If you already had a beast 108 181, ski in the Wasatch, and were gonna buy one more ski, what would you buy? 6'0 200
I want a 95-100 ish ski that is 1500-1600 ish grams for a 180-184 ish length. I'm 6'1 200 in the wasatch. I have a 108 touring setup already. Am considering:
- salomon mtn 96 in 182
- armada...
ive been rocking the civic with nokian for past 4 years and while its done admirably awd and clearance would be nice. Except for the spending 30-50k part
Wish I had known that 4 months ago
As in, no more ski bus? As cynical as I am I can't believe the fucktardness or the corruption of our leaders can be that fucktarded
15 ish days each:
unleashed 114
unleashed 108
enforcer 100
2 days (just bought it):
unleashed 98
4 days, hoping for a few more:
beast 108
Broken record comment time: If buses came reliably every 15 minutes (or even more praise be to jesus) I would ride the bus every day
Pretty clean, mounted for 314 BSL. This is the second mount. Looking for local sale in SLC
At first I thought I empathized with both the home owner and the boarder, but upon reflection it's the opposite, I think both parties can go suck a turd. Douche ignoring people's property and other...
Everyone agrees we need more buses, can we just do that?
The past 3-4 weeks of skiing has been insane almost every day and more coming. I thought after last year I would be forever jaded but no...
Wow how good has the skiing been every damn day since last Saturday?
Real damn good
Ikon can suck my balls as well as every single person I ride a lift with being from out of town
But today was bomber at Alta, at least supreme and keyhole. 1:45 up leaving SLC at 7, and zero...
No snowbird days if you have Alta + ikon base add on. Except the one day for Wasatch benefit.
I have 5-6 days on my 186 now in the Wasatch. Two thumbs up. I feel like I can ski pretty much any terrain and any condition.
Stable, directional mount, medium easy to throw sideways, great...
Maybe it's 5 years, maybe 10, maybe 20, but in the not too distant future some combination of economics, climate change, over population, pollution, or apocalypse is going to make skiing not viable...
I thought I'd be smart and use my free DV pass today so I could ski the morning. Wrong.
This is an impressive amount of dumpage. stokestokestoke can i call in sick for 10 days straight?
Sigh. Yeah reading this I'm coming to the same conclusion I have for the past couple of years, which is that 192 is probably too long for me and 182 is too short.
What's your height/weight? I'm 6'0 185 nekkid and have wanted to try this ski but have been turned off by the sizing, I ski 186 unleashed/enforcers right now and think it's the perfect length for me...
They're both GW. And cool, that's what I hoped.
I went down the Pivot FP rabbit hole here a few weeks ago hence my question, it seems you need to be a voodoo master to know if Pivots are setup...
The shop mounted my pivot 15 for my 26.5, 305 BSL Mach1 130. I also have a Cochise 130, 26.5, 305 BSL that I'd like to use with them.
Will I die? They seem to fit the same and FP indicator looks...
Unleashed 108/114 are pretty sweet
Anyone sitting in their car in the canyon right now?
I left SLC at 7:00 yesterday, hit canyon mouth at 7:30, and wildcat lot at 8:00. Snow was variable and challenging but fun. Put some nice new...
Enforcer 100
I'll disengage now because I have a bad history of arguing on the internet but I don't think a blog post from 2018 proves your point
That's a great point. Nobody travels to Utah to ski, which proves that nobody cares about snowfall and terrain.
Point taken, but consider that 95% of the people riding pivots right now had the forward pressure setup by using the indicator
On the one hand I don't doubt the experience of all the people in this thread who have been working with this binding for 10+ years but on the other hand I don't believe that Look and every ski shop...
Why ignore the forward pressure indicator
if anyone cares i emailed tecnica and they said the stock footbed was slightly thinner for 26.5 vs 26. then they sent me a new footbed which was pointless but nice. so i guess the liner and shell are...
your post gave me the confidence to absolutely twist the shit outta that screw with my torx, got it loose, jizzed wood glue on it and reinserted, if you don't hear back from me means i died
My stoned shop friend mounted these and after a year i just noticed one side of one binding is about 2 mm above the surface of the ski. Gave it a turn with the screwdriver but no joy, glued up. Can i...
That's damn confusing and Tecnica's no help.
Cool maybe i'll try punching if I can't sell them for a decent price. It was the width that was my problem
Both the shell and liner? There's a pdf from tecnica that says the 26 is US Mens 8 and the 26.5 is 8.5
I bought a size 26 thinking it was a 26.5 and its too small. Is the shell the same size between the 2 and the 26 has a smaller liner? Thinking maybe I can salvage this with a 26.5 liner
Is dibs the older guy who runs the shop? He has been very cool to me a couple of times, doing some work no charge and just asking me to tell other people nice things about L9
And yeah the p15 are...
Best shop in SLC to convert my p15 to cast?
I don't know, I haven't been on too many skis. It feels very intuitive to me. I prefer it to enforcer 104 and qst 106 and even started grabbing it over my nocta on the deep days