Class action lawsuit by pissed off guests has started
Type: Posts; User: DanSkierMan
Class action lawsuit by pissed off guests has started
Are you me? I do the exact same thing. Used to show up at noon and take one of the many open spots to avoid morning traffic and parking mess. I was able to snag an unlimited pass so now I can show up...
Amazon semi truck had to get towed out of abasin and us6 down to keystone is stopped. Rumor is a jacknifed semi. Of course Loveland pass is closed. I'm used to normal I70 traffic issues but...
Another chopper landing today (it just took off) at damn near the same spot. What is happening?
Like 30% of the backup getting onto I70 from Loveland pass is people on I70 using the Loveland exit to try and skip a couple hundred feet of traffic.
Alterra buying Abasin. I think we all know what this means
Skied to last chair at abasin. After 30 minutes on Loveland pass and moving under half a mile I knew what I was in for and turned around and spent some time in summit county chilling until traffic...
Anybody try that Treadshare carpooling app? Looks like you can get paid a small amount of money to sit in traffic like you were gonna do anyways and be less of the problem
Cant remember the last time I saw Vail/Alterra do something I thought improved their resort experience. It's always been about marketing. The suits dont care about traffic, parking, lines, cost, or...
WP today in the top 5 powder days I've had
Saturday I decided to book a few nights and drive up. I guesstimated a 50% chance Berthoud would close at some point but was not expecting it to last...
The worst travel conditions of the season is hitting during one of the busiest ski weekends. Prepare yourselves
I'm a long time lurker and weather nerd. I made something I think some of you will find interesting. If you've ever seen the NAEFS downscaled plumes (they used to show it on the...
Two best sites for free Euro data I know of are
Same issue with wrong username displaying. Didnt log into my TGR account for a very long time. I only lurked so I dont even have enough posts to PM an admin
What times does Mary Jane parking fill up these days? Every time I look at traffic Berthoud Pass is almost backed up to the start
A different perspective on...