I think Parvo needs mention here. Guy could tell a funny story!
Type: Posts; User: Lostintime
I think Parvo needs mention here. Guy could tell a funny story!
Steal ur face. You need to rethink your career goals. FBI profiler. Nice work!
Flew in Monday. Tuesday Wednesday Alta,Thursday the Bird.
I could not ask for more. Thursday, the gate at the top of little cloud opened as we got to the top. Loved the frenzied traverse for...
At this point I would take anything, I've been looking for this info for a while.
Agree with Peruvian, for what it could have been, it turned out real nice. Running laps on the alley was fun. No lines to speak of besides the occasional wave of club kids. Thanks Mtn Ops!
Same experience here. On 2nd pair, love them. Worth mentioning I have a narrowish foot.
Fuck painting!
Richmond has changed a lot. Jericho and Underhill are far from recreation? Smuggs is a stones throw, Boltons not far, anything closer to the Bush is in Washington County and the schools are a little...
Chittenden County is super close to VT. Seriously, if you stay up against the Green Mtns, Richmond, Jericho, Underhill, the elementary schools are pretty solid. Teachers are excellent and really...
Funny to read all the questions and concerns, from the newcomers, about bears on our towns forum page. Let's see, you buy a house in the mountains and can't figure out that you are now living among...
Buddy should stay put. He's in search of a unicorn. If he truly wanted to live in NH or VT he could make it work, but it sounds like he wants a city still. As most of us know a 35 minute/mile rural...
Try between St Johnsbury, VT and Hanover. Can definitely make it work.
I can't stay quiet on this statement. As R3 stated, this is the place for high taxes and liberal politics. Upon registering my vehicle in the state for a car I had paid sales tax on new, I had the...
Potted plants covered here. Wasn't it just 90 a couple a days ago. I thought we were done with this. Never get crazy until Memorial Day!
Knowing that area, I'm fairly sure they threw some money at that place, not all appreciation. A house that did not need work would not have sold that low in 2018. Neighborhood has been trending...
It's interesting that you say this. I start the day with about 1200 calories at breakfast. Another 1000 at lunch. and no more than 800 for dinner. I no longer care about stairs and the yard work...
Not claiming that my statements are completely guided by science, just sharing my experience. In August, I just looked at my bloodwork and tried to make changes. Got no real guidance from my Doc...
This is what has worked for me. Down from 212 lbs in August to 162. I had poor eating habits in that I would never eat breakfast, sometimes skip lunch and then eat all evening long because I was...
Very funny.
talked to our driver yesterday specifically about this. gave a non answer, but added they were recently told that if they were caught co-mingling trash and recycling they would be fired immediately....
can you fix my phone? currently on my 5th call to carrier. no incoming outgoing calls except to carrier.
If you have a sweet z that she doesn't run very often, it's probably fun laying down purdy stripes.
If you can get somebody to bring you a pulse oximeter, it wouldn't hurt to monitor your condition. Take care!
Have used Boveda and have mixed feelings. Detected an off taste which I had read about, but with time I didn't notice anything. Also, you can't rely on them to get to optimum humidity while curing,...
Had a friend who always scared they shit outta me pulling out. His comment always the same, "They got brakes." DC area, so to be expected.
Always thinking about when to throw on my signal so I don't cause confusion, but there's a lot of tractor trailers running up to Coventry that I don't want to be rear ended by.
Cracked me up. Haven't heard that one in decades. R3, driving in Vt, trust no one.
Noticed now that people are back out, more than ever you getting those people exhibiting their kindness by...
Never thought of it that way. Butter is popular as well. Sour cream?
Crumbled bacon of course! Cheese, sprinkled with cayenne is my go to.
J&J here. If I didn't know better, I'd tell you I got the placebo. No arm pain, barely felt shot, no side effects. In hind sight I think it my have fatigued me. Day after, skied my ass off and didn't...
7 months? Terpenes taking their sweet time? Outdoors?
Actually never been called a racist, I was speaking to these broad generalizations that if your not POC your a racist.
While I was self employed, I was giving an employee a ride home and I was...
So another annoyance, not a solution?
Off to the bank to acquire more material.
What is this "slack" you refer to? I know slacker, slack line, slack jaw, maybe a couple of others.
Painting everyone with the broad brush of racism really hurts their credibility. People who do this just start to sound like a bunch of snowflake Karen's. No matter had hard one may try, calling me a...
Autocorrect when trying to type email addresses. If there is an @ in the middle of a string of letters you would think it would know that your typing an email address.
Eff Ali Express. Not that I would have bought anything. Internet only gets worse.
Bump for RC. Good advice here. Remember, everyone's drying situation is different so times may need to be tweaked. Monitor closely.
You sure this is your first rodeo/ Solid work, nice little setup you got there. With that kind of production 1 plant works great.
I'll tell you my experience , others may have opinions to add. The snap method works well. Dry or wet trim? If your house is dry you might want to dry trim to slow down drying time, but I've always...
Sounds like a win all around. Guess not everyone's an douche. Sounds like he may have been a little lost for a solution initially. Good for the wife for showing the way.
I see what you did there.
[QUOTE=Mofro261;6313804]Critical thinking skills?
^^^This. Beat me to it! The ability to look beyond everything being a binary decision.