Anyone have any experience with a Rekon for an xc/trail bike?
This product manager's impressions of it has me a little intrigued for something faster rolling.
Type: Posts; User: sar13
Anyone have any experience with a Rekon for an xc/trail bike?
This product manager's impressions of it has me a little intrigued for something faster rolling.
Title kinda says it all. I run the ski shop at Snow King Mountain in Jackson. Every fall I'm looking for a few good ski bums with some shop experience to turn screws and tune skis. We're a small,...
Looking for something like the Norco Fluid 2.2
Anyone got a kid ready to step up to the 24" model?
Pickup near Jackson would be great!
Spam Alert:
Ya, this is a retail ski shop trying to clean our our demo fleet to make room for more. Not the first time this has come up here. I helped start a new shop at the base of Snow King in...
Skinned out to Ely yesterday a.m. Probably one of the latest "first days" in my time here and also one of the thinnest snowpacks. Still found turns on a few grassy meadows. I'm sure it's skiing...
Bumping this one back up for all of you who were on the edge of your desk chairs wondering how my bike search would work out:wink:
Instead of trying every bike I could, I went ahead and fell in...
The wife bought me the bike of my dreams so now need to sell my 575. 2008 model, new shimano brakes last year, shock and fork rebuilt the year before, tuned and brakes...
Think I found my new ride but how much is my old one worth?
2008 Yeti 575 - medium
Enduro (basic) build
Fork and shock rebuilt 2-3 years ago
new cranks/chainrings last year
new cassette the year...
Just to throw another option out there. I ordered the Salomon MTN Lab for the same purpose you seem to be describing. Good ski in winter conditions and not too heavy to tour with. 115 underfoot and...
Just to clarify: When Patrol gets a call of a incident OB (assuming it is not in GTNP) they notify SAR and, if they have staff available, say they will handle it. SAR is on standby in case the feces...
Second the pedal bike, no training wheels. My daughter used training wheels after her strider and had a tough time getting rid of them. Son went straight from strider to pedal and the transition was...
Played with a jet force pack a bit. I agree that it would take a very tight seal and no movement by the skier to keep the bag from inflating. We did have one non-inflate when someone didn't pack/zip...
Thanks for all the great info. Conclusion at this point is that I should keep riding my 575 and demo everything I can (which I basically knew but wanted to chat). Also, I'm leaning more towards...
Happy to stay in the 5" range (SB5 is my top choice except for price). As it turns out, if you ask folks what 5" travel bike to get, a lot of them start listing 6" travel rides. I'm just trying not...
I like the idea of choosing based on suspension platform but lacking the demo days at this point that's kinda tough.
Not sure why a retailer would blow out a low margin line more than a high...
I live in town and ride the Snow King area/ Ferrin's, etc more than anything. If I had the time I'd ride the Pass a lot more. Favorite is Phillips Ridge but I'll ride most everything up there but...
Thanks for a ton of good replies. YES, I should demo bikes but talking about it during a dry winter period is fun too.
Kidwoo - If I knew the geometry I wanted, I wouldn't be asking these questions...
Thanks Smmokan
JJ - Noodler?
Thanks grskier - that's what I was thinking.
JeffreyJim - Have you ridden the Konas? Process 153 sounds interesting.
Ya, it that time of year when riding jongs like me start thinking about a new ride. Sure, I should just go try these bikes but I might be able to score a deal by sucking it up and just ordering...
Good post Galen...
No broken buckles here but the upper cuff alignment screw got really loose - make sure you all check those.
Kevino - Are you still running just two buckles? I tried it for a while with a booster...
Good talk Schralph. Thanks for putting yourself out there and talking about your group's mistakes. This discussion needs to happen again and again.
Another great post. Thanks
Read your book during a recent vacation in Mexico. Great, moving, inspirational story. Thank you for sharing it with the "world".
No telebobski, you are mistaken. Lithium batteries ( the disposable kind) will show almost 100% remaining charge until, BOOM, they are dead. Do not use Lithiums in your transceivers!
Unless, as...
Bump for price drop. $100 plus shipping
OK too high? Make me an offer
PMs replied to.
Brakes fit over 110 waisted skis right now. Bought'em two seasons ago.
How does $150 plus shipping sound? Price police let me know if last night's Scotch is still in my...
I'll be pulling these off the wife's skis soon to put on some new Wardens since she doesn't tour on these skis anyway.
Any interest?
Size medium. Color green, neoshell jacket.
Happy to post/email pics if you're interested but it basically looks like the...
Bumping this old thread. These babies will go to the swap this weekend unless someone here wants them. Make me an offer!
Great read and great pics. Makes me want to do a longer bike trip like that.
Calipers, hoses and levers - no rotors.
These just came off my 2008 Yeti 575. Like most Juicys they have made some noise over the years but I found that if I had them bled regularly they worked...
Monday morning bump
John Deere color scheme. About 4 years old but in very good condition. Liners should take another mold or two.
$150 plus shipping...
Franz - rides on the pass should have some good color but Munger has always been my favorite fall ride
Awesome! Great trip and fantastic photos.
There's a big neoshell thread around here somewhere.
My experience is that neo is very breathable and wind does get through. Windstopper - not so breathable thus the name.
Went to HS with a kid whose last name was Zanis. Pretty much any first name is tough with that one.
College with a Randolph P. Randolph
Dick Long was the caretaker for the Rockefellers before...
New Coomback 104 looks nice
My son's first lap at the Village bike park:
Used a Bjorn when the kids were tiny but a Deuter backpack once they got a little bigger. Never found helmet that fit at that size.
AS someone said above, the chances of me falling on the terrain I...
This sums up so many comments in this thread it needed to be repeated.
Get the red one
I've had the legend glove from BD for about 4 years and still going strong.
The Ville was riding great this afternoon. Have fun and be safe if you're racing this evening!
Fisher Creek to Williams Creek with my wife last weekend. Hadn't ridden it since before the fire. Still an Awesome ride!
OK, for those that like the concept, which post do you like best and why?
Coming down this weekend. Curious what is ready