The Rack! I spent a ton of time in that bar 99-03
Type: Posts; User: jpcm
The Rack! I spent a ton of time in that bar 99-03
Caught the Colter opener today! Man the was fun! That’s the early season day of skiing I needed. Solo chairs all morning
Going to be kicking around on the pass tomorrow if anyone is out and...
Weekend trip to our favorite run down RV Park. Cold, cloudy, and solid fishing. Wifey stuck her PB brown
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Got mine! Stoked as always! When is the drawing? Would love a new kit for this season.
Really nice fish man! And you’re pretty spot on with analysis of that brown I posted. That’s a river in CO that’s well know for its extreme aquaculture
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Monster humpback brook trout!
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I usually prefer a 7 wt for throwing streamers. I like a short, rapid cast approach from the boat. Literally trying to slap down as many casts as possible and I gravitate to throwing medium size...
Alexandra fire tripled in size since last night , about 1800 acres now. Hot as fuck, winds moderate. Current view from neighborhood
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Watching the Alexander Mountain fire torch trees from the top of our neighborhood. It’s gotten significantly bigger since I’ve gotten home from work. I’m a couple ridges away just outside the...
Im in for Bobs birthday Green weekend! The Mrs is hopeful too if she make it work with work schedule and possibly some non-mag buddies . We will set up shop at the campground.
I was going...
Big shoutout to the guys down at Fishpond in Denver. I blew out the zipper on a 5 year old cutbank boat bag. Sent an email, took some pictures, and had a brand new one FedEx to me the next day. No...
PSA: lots of flies up again on Sierra trading post. Both Montana fly company and umpaqua. Go restock your $1 chubbies and jigs head droppers!!
A few from this weekend. More river camping and some fatty cutties.
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Roos, The alpine trackers comparison is pretty spot on! Extra spool sure is nice for quick changes but it’s not the end of the world to just change out the line on your reel. Especially if your...
Yea I had a buddy and his son from out of state so they rowed the little boat. I was a little nervous taking the 14er in there but a late bump in flows made everything cushy. I feel like the buero...
Got out with some old friends for a multiday trip. Spending a few nights on the river is good for the soul.
Mules were loaded
Boats were rigged
Boats were de rigged ...
Headed north to fish with friends and explore some different water. Some of you guys may recognize this boat from 420 on the green. I’ve met and fished with some really cool folks as a result of...
Past few weekends We’ve been running some of the smaller freestones closer to home. Some great whitewater and dry fly fishing.
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I was out there last weekend. Dry fly Fishing was decent on smaller terrestrial. All black. . Drifts just need to be perfect to get an eat. Challenging but fun as hell. Also nymped up some...
A few from this weekend. Local freestones are absolutely raging so found some summertime fishing on America’s favorite tailwater. Soo busy and no big bugs, don’t go there.
Fuck yea fellas!!! Love the salt content! Keep it coming!
Great connecting and thanks for the tour! Those shots came out money, send me a few!! Solid couple days of fishing, felt like we had the river all to ourselves today. Fun rowing you...
Solid show last night!! The fellas rocked it!! Guitar Peace to Fearless was my highlight. Also cool to see them jam hard on an encore, I usually get a traditional song there. Maybe their largest...
PSA- downriver equipment in Denver has all Sawyer oars 25% off this weekend. Square tops, bandits, ect. Prettty good deal!
Article link is working again. Its a good read and I appreciate the time and detail McDaniel put into writing that up. Interesting take in comments from the outfitter across the street… I remember...
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Freestones are starting to bump up to floatable. Cold and quiet492889 in492891492892
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We raft quite a bit. Got a 10.5 and a 14 ft. I’m in Fort Collins but get down to the Ark valley a few times a year. Typically row browns and paddle numbers. I’d love to follow you...
As long as I80 stays chill, I’ll be rolling in tomorrow am sometime, with the rest of my crew showing up in the evening. Planning on connecting with Lumpy and others for an afternoon float. .
I’m in as well! Got a crew of 3-4 with 2 boats. Heading out on either the 17 or 18 depending on how the work week plays out. Stoked!
Anxiously awaiting the announcement of this years renewal, such a good weekend!. From what I’ve been reading/hearing it’s not a sure thing. I also might have a family wedding conflict this year….
Anyone hitting up the May CO shows? I know fiddlers sucks, I keep saying I’m done with that venue, but I’m going to need my Billy fix this year. In a round about way, I’m stoked for the boys to be...
I’m in! Hopefully heading out with a couple non-mag buddies evening of the 18th
The Mrs and I also just got back from a bucket list trip to Chilean Patagonia to celebrate her 40th. We were gone for 16 days, fished 9 bookend by some other travel. We were based out of a lodge in...
PSA. Grizzly hackle in Missoula is having a weekend sale. 25% off everything 3/1-3/3. Free shipping, no tax. Code works on all rods and reels . Sage, Scott, Nautils, ect
Nice morning yo-yoing the bowl. People slept in and we had the place to ourselves till 11.
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New drummer is solid. I was getting a little stale on these guys. A lot of jams sounding the same, ect. Hopefully a new injection of creativity.
I’ve been battling a right sciatic never issue for the past couple months. Fucking sucks. Symptoms have range from pretty intense hip pain, loss of strength in leg to tingling leg sensations. ...
Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History.
Start with the king of kings series. It’s like 9 hours. Several more after that, WW2 one is solid as well. If you have iPhone, download them for free on the Apple...
Back to hero dirt and pine duff in the Fort.
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Yo Yo!
Pulled the trigger and drove up after work last night. Got over into Victor a few hours before they closed the pass. Will be rolling solo at Ghee. Tall guy, blue and gold fly low...
Sweet trip man! Love seeing the salt pics, Sttarting to plan my first trip for next year. You’re in Belize right? Have you been fishing guided our diy?
RAM doesn't get a lot of love here, but Ive been stoked with my 2021 1500 Laramie. Ive put 60k miles on it as a daily driver/work truck. Coming from a 2010 tundra, I put 200k on. I did the 100%...
Back to full on MTB season up this way. Today was stellar. Hero dirt and pine duff.
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Someone mentioned this book is last years thread. I preordered one and forgot about it. Showed up today. Just flipping through it and it looks sweet. Great photography and a bunch of local...
This is spring creek. Everting in Horsetooth mountain park that faces south or west is snow free. Small sections of death ice and packed snow in the shade. Higher north facing still probably...
Yep.. Sunshine and hero dirt in my hood.
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PSA- Scott Rods on sale
Grizzley Hackle in Mizzoula has all models of Scott's on sale with their 12 days of Christmas deal. %25 off through the 12/15. then 20% off the next 3 days. Free...
Jupiter and Suit..... I missed both these up thread. great shots
Rasputin... nice work with the year round trout season! hopefully you get into some waders asap. Ive got some used size 14...