Hi Sinner. Just to resurrect this old post for clarification. Suppose I want 50/50 mix and plain vanilla Vanguard. Then I could pick 50% VAB and 50% VEQT. But then I have to manually rebalance. If I...
Type: Posts; User: pureantigravity
Hi Sinner. Just to resurrect this old post for clarification. Suppose I want 50/50 mix and plain vanilla Vanguard. Then I could pick 50% VAB and 50% VEQT. But then I have to manually rebalance. If I...
You'd have a lot of suckers. :D
Not sure if true. Read this on the interwebs. Right now, you would have made only 60% on BTC if you invested at the all-time-high in 2017 ($20K). However, if you had put it in any of these FAANG...
lol. COOL. I wonder if they have any use for valuable metals in the crushed CPU waste ... or is it all toxic landfill?
In other news the Shibu Unu coin (a copycat idea of Doge) is worth more than...
Barring any major action like law enforcement or Binance collapsing**, they will milk each gold vein as they always do on the way down. Like I said earlier in May ... for the whales and big exchanges...
Without straining yourself, the answer is obvious.
Poo to the moooon!
*Not financial advice. Shit is as shit does. Here Poo today, gone-poo tomorrow. #soft and...
Except if you live in Canada and then the Instant Lube places sticker you for 5K KMs. People don't even realize they can go 8K KMs with regular oil here.
My bad. I should have added the '/s' to my post. Both founders have come out the last 2 months and said pretty much the same thing aka - this is a pure 'Greater Fools Game' and one with tragic...
Title should read: Canada closed until JT gets hair re-dyed and 4th booster shot.
I'm going to say that every time on a shared lift this winter just to piss off the locals. I'll even add a "Did you get the shot? Nah. Not me. Fuck that shit. Live Free or Die!"
Toyotas don't need service. They need
Just read his post (thread!) on twitter. Moron uses completely bogus arguments to support FUD position.
He's just jealous he didn't...
Are you going to buy the dip? Or the dip after the dip after the dippity dip dip? :D
Just bought into the cruise lines industry. Very small buy with big upside. #recovery
Carnival, Norwegian, Royal Caribbean.
Might have to hold a few years.
All those rooms have AC and/or fresh...
Maybe they adjusted it for the change in the USD/CAD exchange rate. I think it was as low as 0.70 cents CAD to a USD just around pandemic time. Looks like the correct adjustment since CAD was above...
Love that van tour! Great setup. Only wish Promaster had 4x4 and deisel. The modular is nice feature. I wonder what Cody's real MPG is for hwy/city and climbs to elevation trips?
That's a bummer norton. Can't help other than suggest hitting up the FB Marketplace/FB groups that appeal in the area and craiglist/reddit even. Best of luck!
Additional areas of interest:
A Real-World Look at COVID-19 Vaccines Versus New Variants
Good treatment. Thanks. Although it does sound just a weee bit prejudicial against the old fellow. I'm not sure the sample set is so small as there are studies in many countries now that would seem...
Amazing film!
RIP Robin. Thinking of you ol' pal.
Crazy news item. Black Tusk hike rescue.
The photos in...
A lot of good articles there including a few by her. She seems very confident in the natural immunity process and ability of the immune system to adapt:
Don’t Sweat the COVID Variants with Dr....
Sounds like impacted earwax. Q-tips are the enemy. I never use anything in my ears anymore (even the cute scapula thingy). Only a once every 2 -3 months baby bulb syringe irrigation. I fill a glass...
LOL. Nice :)
Pano's voice is a valuable addition to this conversation. While I don't condone violence, I think he has underestimated how much protection his opponents bubble wrap is going to...
South Korean toilet turns excrement into power and digital currency
“I had...
I love it when you use sin-onyms!
You guys are showing your true colors. Congratulations!
An amazing story.
What does it matter if you use 'probably' or 'potentially' in that sentence?? The gist is the same. Studies of people that have had SARS exposures over a lifetime will probably* show that the human...
What is HOA?
LOL. That's actually some funny stiff :D
XXX-er hit it out of the ballpark with "the thing is we are not arguing about ski boots or fashionable clothing or spageheti O's which mean nothing in the...
I think one of the great things about this thread is that it brings together people that are rigid in their thinking and those that like to explore unhindered.
Some people like to dress in...
Really good new story if you can get around the paywall.
OK. So you want to pay for another 5 minutes? :)
I think we are at the moment when he rings the 5 minute bell. :D
Not in my case. They didn't record #1. Now I have to wait a bit extra for them to sort it out just so I can get #2.
Not re: Kinnikinnick ... but there are other people that say things like "why is it that there are so many people" too. And a lot of them haven't the faintest clue how many 'so many' even is. Some...
Probably because there are so many experts these days that don't have any skin in the game. Their positions are paid for by taxpayers, their views published in uncritical journals and their...
Gotta jet! Love you all as usual. I just can't stand my wife's recital practices !
dada tata dodododee doo wabba wabba awedfgtygnu ddddaaaaa!
Gonna see if McDonald's still have Caramel Sundaes!...
"Gondola cable Technoking" :)
Distinct responses doesn't mean different results. You can put out a fire many ways. What matters is that you ...
put out the fire. I think you've been burned. LOL :D
OK Tri-Again. Where is this huge body of data from lifetime exposures to SARS that support your consipracy-doubt? I think it is fair to say that you don't know what you don't know ... but that the...
You are right. It is a lot less -on the 7 day moving average- than it has been the last few months. That's why I was surprised to see gas price pump up, and the ETH price also had some action too....
One of the non-specific effects of being vaccinated with Carbon SiiiC rotors is the enormous savings of moola by avoiding almost all carbon frames and parts in the future. Although I suffered an...
Is it possible to quantify that in terms of tons of ice melted?
Well at least you got the silicone carbide part. It's quite remarkable that you actually remember that detail considering how old the thread was. :)
You are right. But is that my fault or Darwins?