I’d like to go, but am making a epic ski road trip through grand junction, breck then boulder.
If you plan on going back to Alta later in the season, hit me up.
Alta is what all ski resorts...
Type: Posts; User: mefa30
I’d like to go, but am making a epic ski road trip through grand junction, breck then boulder.
If you plan on going back to Alta later in the season, hit me up.
Alta is what all ski resorts...
Does anyone know of or have a room or apartment/ cabin for rent in Nederland or boulder Colorado?
not really picky, looking to pay less then $1500.
moving to the area for a engineering job....
Thats a similar experience with the WalMart in Irvine, CA on Von Karmen. Inside that store its a crazy zoo with demographics you typically dont see in Irvine (especially in a area dominated by...
Not really, were still talking about cars and dykes per the thread title......
Im guessing that Q is for questioning and A is agnostic. However, I saw in 60 minutes that some woman/ man in Oregon changed his/her sex to binary. So, that could be another way of saying agnostic or...
Hey look kids! Its a rice driver trying to feel good about his crudely engineered, over rated car by latching on to the TDI scandal. How original. I bet you are some cliche outdoorsy type that drives...
If you were really confident with your masculinity, you would be rollin' a Smart Car or a purple Mitsubishi Mirage.
I can't wait until the VW AllTrek is released. I am going to call it the Subaru Killer. Its going to sell like crazy.
Subaru is in the position they are in largely due to the fact that they have...
I thought it was the old 2.5 that had all the oil issues.....
I know of two people at my condo that drive Subarus and have a quart of oil in their front seat just in case.
I used to be a IT...
Exactly, you need to have a 100% perfect seal or you will get snow and rain in your car. Considering Subaru can't properly align their mismatched LCDs in the Crosstrek Hybrid, I'm not convinced that...
Yeah, Subaru thankfully dosent make cars with frameless windows or bad (burns oil, bad head gasket) engines anymore. However, most of my points are current.
As far as the how wonderful frameless...
Ive always suspected those Harley riders as overcompensating closet homos. Just the whole obsession with matching leather.
The car of choice for gay guys used to be Saturn, dont know what it is...
Pollution in utah? Have you ever seen the overcompensating d-bags common in the area "roll coal" with their lifted diesel trucks with stacks?
pollution in utah is fashionable.
Are you a engineer or have some sort of technical background? Utah is hard up for engineers/ techies. I used to live in california and just moved here a few weeks ago for a job.
I dont think...
The new Tacoma is available with a manual.
I think you have done more then enough to cover yourself.
if the check is drawn on a bank with a local branch, you could meet the buyer at the bank and if the check clears then sign the title.
Ive heard that l3 sucks as a employer.
Atk in clearfield is alwyas hiring. However, there is a reason for that.
Cant you file for unemployment?
Also, i would look into working gigs at the online freelancing sites. There are also companies where you work a call center at home.
As for the shoulder. I would...
I was stuck on I70 a few weeks ago when there was the rock slides by the Ford tunnel.
about 8 hours to get from Vail to Aspen. Thankfully we had leftover pizza in the car and took a leak before we...
Welcome to Utah!
My ski season is mostly done. I did a week in Oregon and two weeks all over Colorado (spending a ton of time on I70). I also visited a few times to ski Utah.
I had a 2005 ram 1500.
transmission went out costing about $2500 to rebuild.
front end went out making my truck 2wd. Estimate was $3k to fix it. Never got it fixed.
I had the engine chipped...
Im going to have to agree with this quote.
I lived in Emigration canyon in 2008 and it was nice as i worked at the u at the base on the canyon and on the other side of the canyon was park city....
Are we talking about The Panama lawfirm leak which shows Putin moving around $2 billion?
Farmington is allright. Farmington has the huge mall and the amusment park.
when I worked in Ogden, I thought past Farmington things got weird.
Im not sure about bike trails, but there is no...
Whether a cello is 5' or 8' tall, its not fitting in the overhead. Docent take a genius to figure that out.
Nice left field aggressiveness, though. Now I know why when I visited Aspen a few weeks...
I think a fiddle and a cello are two much different things size wise. The cello got gate checked, so baggage handlers are still messing with it. There's not much benefit to drag it through security...
Im not sure if you are referring to myself or not.
However, if you are, the alternative is people get fed up with flying and choose other options, as is already happening.
Im sure you didn't...
Theres so much shenanigans on planes.
My favorite one is seeing someone bring a 8' tall cello through security and then at the gate they realized it dosent fit in the overhead so they gate check...
So now you come full circle and agree with my point that people abuse the therapy dog status.
Teton should make you your own private room.
Okay, well I have personally seen people in Wasatch county (often) jump out of their lifted bro truck that don't meet those qualifications.
By Utah standards, you can't get a handicapped placard...
So basically you are arguing that anyone can get a therapy dog. Snowboarders give me anxiety, where do I sign up?
As for the parking permits having strict rules, Im not so sure. They used to be...
Exactly, a lot of times these dogs I encounter are not well behaved so the owner needs to find a legal way to bend the rules so the dog gets carte blanche rights to go and do whatever they want.
Okay, so what is the standard for a prescribing someone a therapy dog? Sounds like everyone can pay off a Dr. and get one similar to a medical weed card.
I wasn't specifically saying that only...
No, but it would not surprise me that they are rude/ inconsiderate. Ive heard stories about French lift lines.
I think we are really splitting hairs with the comfort/ therapy versus service dog distinction.
The point is that people are getting these dogs by abusing the system so that they get special...
At my current apartment in Orange County, CA, there are a few "therapy dogs". One is a tiny chihuahua that constantly makes this obnoxious scratchy barking noise all day long. Normal, non therapy...
Take the 405 south to the 15 north to Vegas (caution, fucking hot in Vegas) to the 84 east. Go past Bubbas used bro trucks on Antelope in Layton go up the 2200 to Eden past the Valley Market to the...
What about on Sunday?
Im on the Huntington Beach border and hang out in HB all the time. When I first visited OC, I went to Laguna Beach and was turned off by people flaunting their wealth. People in HB flaunt their...
Well, I was told my the recruiter for the Provo company that comparing SLC or Utah county to Ogden is offensive and there is no comparison. I spent about a week in Provo and aside from everything...
I like Bend more then Utah. I also like getting in before it becomes another Boulder. I looked at housing costs, and while its much less then Orange County, its still expensive. I think I missed the...
Other then the job situation, do you (or anyone) see any issues with Bend?
I understand that Mormons don't want anything to do with non LDS people. I lived in Emigration canyon in 2008 and Eden in...
So I take it that Provo is a no despite actually living in Heber, Draper, American Fork, maybe Orem?
What about Bend? I managed to get a decent paying engineering job there, but if it docent work...
I can handle a few months of heat, just not year round.
Moving to OC, CA is the first area I lived in where there is no snow. I miss the snow.
Im turning down jobs in TN, NC, SC, etc. for this...
Saying "the" before a freeway is something that I picked up since moving here. I also say bro, dude and sweet a lot. Words I never said before moving here.
Don't get me wrong, I can manage to live...
Sacramento is a good idea. I need to look more into the area. Is it less crowded then the OC? How are the people there?
I thought about living in Truckee and working in Reno. It would be a similar...
I do a lot of work at a Qualcomm plant in San Diego. Frickin hot down there. Not a lot of engineering jobs (I don't do chip or RF design, so working for Qualcomm isn't a option). I think people in...
My job in Ogden was salary. That will never happen again. I would get calls from mechanics to fix a issue and I told them over the phone how to fix it. They would make some excuse for me to come in....
Im in my early 30s and am a Industrial electrical engineer.
Ive heard LDS chicks are easy and hot, but I think they have a lot of baggage.