Yesterday was great on the Rockpile. Airplane still serving long laps! More pics to come once I can get on a computer. Get it while you still can!
Type: Posts; User: ILOVE2SKI
Yesterday was great on the Rockpile. Airplane still serving long laps! More pics to come once I can get on a computer. Get it while you still can!
Thanks! Gonna head up there
Great pics! Hoping they stay strong for Memorial Day Weekend!
Anyone know how the Great Gulf is skiing right now? Anything continuous other than Airplane Gully?
Looks like another SAR last night:
Hope all made it out safely
Pretty scary. Glad they are alive! Stay safe out there everyone.
Love it. Would love to see a NH version too 😂
I agree 100% and that’s Exactly why based on todays weather I won’t be heading up this weekend. Even though things should be stable by Sunday, Saturday I believe will still be sketch.
Never seen bird man. RadioRon is one of my Kmart faves though.
Anyone heading to the bowl Saturday? I was planning on it but now not sure with recent snow. I don’t mind winter conditions but wind...
Though $369 is still good for a long season, and you know Kmart makes the effort to literally Go As late as possible, it still sucks to see a $200 increase in just a couple season. Will be $569 for...
Wasn’t the K spring pass like $169 before? Two days paid for itself. Now I agree, too rich for my blood at $329 or whatever
Yep pretty rough for this time of year! Thanks for posting the embedded link!
Enjoy Kmart guys
Made a video edit... VLOG style instead of a highlight reel but had fun:
Wishing all you guys and families Good health and sending good vibes your way!
Thinking of dawn patrol tomorrow TRT to Sherbie, anyone been lately? Still skinable from the lot or hike then switch...
Nice pic!
On another note: am I the only one that hates bubble chairs? Especially in a post-covid world? More wind holds etc…
Instagram and facebook Are probably the biggest problem! I guess idiots too… they will always be around
Lol yep
Sounds like there may be More to the story
Oh wow I didn’t make that connection
Yeah, not good
Black mountain in NH just posted this:
“Over the last few years, the “earn your turns” alpine touring movement has become the most talked about new way to get outside and get...
This is indeed one of the real stories. WSJ really dropped the ball. The 350 comments on the article (by far more than most articles ever receive) are probably 95% negative towards Vail. Sadly, when...
Wildcat used to do that too. They also used to
charge I think it was $10 or something for a lift-ticket single ride to the summit to access the Wildcat Valley Trail, but I assume that went out the...
Ugh another VailFail. No thanks. I love the Cat but haven’t set foot since Vail took over. Looks like I am making the right decision.
They are probably trying to push more people to Epic Season Passes. The scum bags that they are don’t care about the family of 4 that just showed up for a week of skiing and is now forced to buy a...
Sorry thought this was the EC roll call, I’ll delete the post when I’m not on my phone. Thanks for the tip on the beer I’ll check those both out!
^^^ Yikes, that is crazy! Glad nobody caught in those wet slides.
Haha thanks! It's a Canon Rebel T6i w/ the EF75-300 Lens. 1/500th at f.11. Stitched together in Lightroom. I think I'm...
Following up on this post with some pics from the trip (better late than never right?!)
Cool shot on the way back to the airport:
FYI a gofundme for Bryce Newcomb has been setup:
Praying for a full recovery!
Django- Sorry I didn’t reply to this sooner! Heading back out tomorrow, my few days here were sick, sorry we didn’t meet up, next time I’ll be sure we exchange numbers first!
Gotta say, JH is...
Headed to Jackson for the first time. How are crowds tues-thursdays? Must do's in Teton Village or JH? Must ski runs? How's the snowpack this year?
This is great news! Hope they do well!
Good to see lines finally starting to fill in!
Anyone here ski the RASTA/Brandon Gap lines? I see on their site a "membership" Is that needed to ski these lines? Thinking...
All set, thanks guys!
Hey guys,
Looking for a dirt cheap pair of cheap tele skis that is taking space in your garage. I can help you free that space. Touring setup preferred. 165-178cm let me know what you got....
Amazing day for sure. I grabbed a ton of pictures and I am sure there are a few from this board that I captured too. Check out the TR here:
Transition Bottlerocket.
Albino Black Sheep
Any ideas?
Did a search and found nothing in this thread (but excuse me if I missed it...) this was posted on T4T and I thought it should be shared here as well:
Gothca. What about the Mercury or Titan... anyone have opinions on these boots? Good all around touring boot? Light enough for long tours and strong enough for the steeps?
Is this still the case with the 2013 models? I have Fristchi Freerides on my AT setup and I have been looking for a really light boot.
Nice pic.
And yes, let's see some from biking. :smile:
Sad news for sure, RIP Jamie.
Thanks man! It was a nice day for sure!
Haha here's a few more, even one I didn't post on T4T:
A few pics form the bowl just over a week ago...
Lots of good info, thanks JumpTurn.
I will say we are now on the fence about the whole thing, especially due to the lack of time and the amount of time required to acclimatize from going to sea...
Not a problem at all! haha
photcredit goes to these guys:
How about another pic, showing how slabby these granite slabs can be....
Hey Greg,
My buddy Chris has descended it at least twice (possibly more, I just know of two descents for sure). I know one of the times he skied it, he had a ski pop off mid way down and had to...
Awesome thank-you for the well thoguth out response.
Good to know about rentals, one less thing to worry around... What about Altitude sickness? I hear people get it when they head west on the...
I'll be in London from march to may for a school project and am planning to head someplace in europe to ski.
me and my friend have Friday, April 8 – Monday, April 11 off so we are thinking of...
Nice works guys. One of the best TR's I've read from anywhere in a long time. The pictures really capture the steepness. The other photos really put it all in perspective too!
Skimming through pics...
"hey that looks familiar... oh wait it's me!" haha
fun day indeed.