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Type: Posts; User: scumpup
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Thanks for letting me know hahaha
What about one of those daymakers with a resort boot or resort boot with walk mode? Does anyone have experience with those?
Yea Engineering related sales works for me too! If I get a job, I'm not going into the AF so that's not an issue. Please send me a PM and somewhere to send my info to!
Thank you very much!
I have no qualms with designing the tools with which we will inevitably end the earth haha. My original plan was to do engineering for the Air Force but I got stuck on a medical thing.
Just applied to all of those sites, thank you!
I graduated last year with a Bachelor's in Electrical Engineering, and I've been struggling to land a job. I was planning to commission into the Air Force, but I got disqualified for two years for...
Currently looking for a job so I can even get on the mountain. I'll have to see. Was hoping to land one in SLC but it's not looking too hot before the ski season! If I pick something up I'll let you...
Yea I generally only open up when it's groomed or a straight line, otherwise I basically spin down moguls (go around one forwards, take one around backwards, very lazy and spinny) or I'll be going...
yea man that shape screams double sided butter knife.
When I'm in tight trees, I get hooked in the back a lot, partially I think both due to length and camber. With a heavy detune it's manageable but it becomes really difficult to finish a turn if I...
I ski a 186 Rossignol BO118. Do I go with the 180/181 FR/R 110 or the 186/187 FR/R 110? I'm 5'10 160 lbs and I want an "easier" ski to maneuver but I still want that high level of "damping" and speed...
I love my blackops 118's so much more than my Blade optic 96's than Im even considering selling the lines and picking up a pair of blackops 98s... I love the rubber tips, I don't think I can ever...
Guess it's a skill issue on my part then. Sorry Jonathan I had a few too many last night.
I've been a blister member for about 3 years and I've unfortunately just canceled my subscription. I initially signed up because I wanted access to the deep dive comparisons and the gear...
Just had a trip to Colorado, skied the i70 resorts (Abasin, Copper, Vail, Beaver Creek). Brought both my Line Blade Optic 96 and Blackops 118's. Almost started ditching the blade optics entirely just...
word. will give it a go.
maaaaan why couldn't they announce the 112 last year I would have bought that in an instant.
I only took my blackops 118 on my trip to steamboat. They were good in everything that wasn't ice, but man they were HOOKY in bumps. I had them at -4 from recommended at first (previous mount) and...
Definitely going to try them first! I can always take them to one of those shops who offer mounting overnight if it's miserable. I just haven't seen anyone ski them at -6cm from center online so I...
Blister says -2.75cm from center, 89.4cm from tail on their OG review.
I think that's too far forwards though.
If there was a math...
Doctor said I was 142lb last week. I'm 5'10 23 years old :)
I ski my Line blade Optic 96's at like -4.5 from center or something.
Love the Mfree 108 at -6 from center. (+2 ish)
I have my Blackops 118's mounted at -4 or -3.5 due to a previous mounter. Do I try them this week at Steamboat or should I get them remounted for -2.
the 96 are my daily driver.
184cm they're around 2000g the 185cm 104's are about 2300g??
96 is a lighter and easier ski but still has plenty of strength in it. Each size from 96 to 114 is just...
Going to save up a few grand to buy a whole Heritage Labs quiver next season this is exactly what I need right now.
Heritage Labs FR110 is also a crud buster monster truck in that range, though it has no metal. It's certainly heavy though. I like the MFree 108 though I wouldn't call it a chop destroyer. It's...
Wow even more inbounds power? Definitely on my list then. The Blackops already are super smooth and fun inbounds so the FR110 might just be my ideal endgame snow tool period.
Thanks for all the...
I'm 5'10 140 lbs and I would grab the 184 since that is the length my skis are. I think if you went to the 179 you could be happy and you could also be happy at 184. It all depends on how you like to...
Hey Marshal, How would you compare these FR110 to the Rossi Blackops 118? I know that these are full reverse camber, but how would you compare? I've never skied a full reverse camber ski but I do...
yea both of those skis are good and I think you'll be happy with both. K2 Mindbender's also stick out to me.
Salomon QST 98 is an easy ski. 2000g in 189cm not too heavy.
It holds an edge.
It's fantastic in the trees, easy in the bumps.
poking around looking to see if anyone has any zipfits in 26.5 theyre tryna get rid of.
Open to other zipfits in 26.5 as well. Though not the freerides.
wooooow what a steal.
I was interested to know too. I'm 5'10 145lb.
I think I should be in the 178 and you could do either. The ski essentials guys like the mirus cor a lot. Since you're only really going to be using...
Heated goggles sound awesome. Got to try that out some time!
If you compare the flagship level goggles from any of the big brands, it really comes down to how goggles fit your face and how the ventilation is. If it doesn't fit your face right it'll fog up no...
Still lookin to sell? Price is a bit high though. thats what I'd pay for a set of news.
Good price good car but I'm 8 months too early D:
I am interested
Any chance you willing to sell with bindings? I'm a 296BSL.
WTB Sego Comp 110. Prefer 187.
Rossignol Blackops Gamer 118's in 186,
Moment Wildcat (the heavier ones) in 184,
Or Line Blade Optic 114 in 186
Trying to get my first powder ski, let...
I have a pretty low volume foot with about 100mm width. I bought the S/Pro Alpha 130s but I downsized. They're really accommodating in terms of the heat molding so I think you'll be able to work with...
This is definitely a great idea for a sport most participants only participate maybe 5-10 days a season! Make it more confusing for them to find the right gear! We love progress!
Every 3 days? Ski days or days days... I don't know anyone who waxes every three days am I doing it all wrong?
Do you think dog piss tastes better than people piss? My dog keeps trying to lick up his piss when I take him out.
this is the kind of thread i signed up for. cheers maggots.
though now im interested in how telemark skiing would work if i epoxy'd my butt shut.
Wow. Not something I expected out of Line. Looks like they did a good job.
Drop a pic when you get the chance? I'm interested!
The blister guys seem to love them. I'm probably looking at the 96 in 184. I was surprised at the lack of chatter about them on here.
WTB Sego Big Horn 106 in 181 CM OR Sego Comp 104 in 181CM
Shipping to New Jersey
I haven't seen anyone post about the Line Blade Optic 96 or 104 on here yet. Anyone get to try them yet?