Anyone have any direct experience with how the volume of the gft compares to the Fischer lv zip fit? I skied a day in my zgtp with the Fischer lv zip fit and it was fantastic, but I am worried that...
Type: Posts; User: csmith
Anyone have any direct experience with how the volume of the gft compares to the Fischer lv zip fit? I skied a day in my zgtp with the Fischer lv zip fit and it was fantastic, but I am worried that...
Will this come in a 29.5 for the Sasquatch among us? Dying to try a pair, will they be available online or select shops only?
Interested in the cast. Send me a pm if still around
Looks like your in box is full, but if you clear it out I’ll send you my email/phone number
I’m interested, any chance you can pm me the photo, can’t see it for some reason.
No affiliation with the seller.
I am a huge fan of my 203. Never going to let those things go!
Replied, let’s make a deal
Interested in the folsoms, can you shoot me a pm?
If Twist passes on these, I'd take you up on this for shipping and beer money. Would love to throw em on my 198 Katanas.
Super interested in Katana, but can’t shoot you a message. Pm me and let’s make a deal
If it has bolts in the back of the spine you could remove those for colder days and put them back in for the warm spring days. I know the 130 does, not sure about 120.
I have about 5 days on my pair. Pretty surprising ski. Fairly damp and stable at speed for what they are but still playful when going around slow. I have mine mounted center because it seemed weird...
As a slightly bigger guy(6'6" and 300 lbs) I have been on helldorados as a one ski quiver for a while. They are a heavy ski. Or at least heavier than they should be. I agree with the tip and tail...
Thanks for the help. Will try another bolt in the spine
Yup due to softer plastic. They are plenty stiff at normal skiing temps. Also my dorsiflexion is fairly good so dont think thats it. Think a butterfly/ x pad thing could fix it?
Quick question. Have a pair of boots that are a fairly good fit. Touching on the sides and around a one finger shell fit. First true day spring skiing in warm temps I developed some painful swelling...
Semi relevant...or at least the first few minutes is
Ya it falls more into that midlife crisis category but I figured if people were talking about the panamera I'd throw it out there.
Really? No suggestions of a Audi s7 or rs7? The rs7 even has more power than a r8
Are they really necessary? I mean how long does it generally take to wear through soles for you guys?just got boots with non replaceable soles and not sure if they are worth getting.
Possibly next years mantra. That width plus full rocker plus metal plus directional. Probably could find a demo if you look hard enough. I know my local shop already got some in
Would love to trade the hazmats for a pair of 190 sir francis bacons... Id throw in some extra cash or something else if necessary
Kung fujas sold. Hazmats still up for sale. Buy up
Probably not what you are looking for but worth a shot. I have a pair of liberty hazmats in a 186 if interested fairly light or at least I think so. Really good shape though. Let me know what you...
Sunday night bump. Open to offers and maybe trades
What about an Opus?
Edit: or maybe the patron. Little narrower but pretty kick ass
To the top
Tried option 1. Atomics out of inventory for now. Guess ill go with option 2. Thanks for the help
The wc 130 is stiffer and a 95 last and $120 more. The pro 130 is stiffer and a 98 last but only available to me online. The 120 is a 98 and at the shop. That's kinda what I am thinking but the fit...
I'm gonna get jonged for this but I don't want to make a thread about it. Ill delete the post if its too out of place.
Anyway my old boots are done. Too soft and too sloppy. Went and tried on tons...
It almost looks like marker was trying to make the new jester match the cochise
186 liberty hazmats
Only skied between 8-10 times. Some one wants these with the bad snow year we are having. Good for screwing around on groomers and in low snow days. Hell for all I care chop the...
I've got a pair of 186 liberty hazmats in pretty good shape if you want to buy em. Tip to tail they are more like a 183 or so and no tip rocker but check all the other boxes
But when do you put your socks on? I have heard if you don't put them on after your boots thats where the real trouble comes from
Anyone know where I can grt my hands on a pro wrap in a 29?
Is I remember correctly atomic doesn't measure true length so the 192 will be a little shorter. Even of thats not the case I doubt you'll really notice the 2cm difference from your goal length. Thats...
If you end up selling the zealots. You could buy my 189 kung fujas. First year at the 102 waist I think. Mounted once for sth 16s at center for a 335ish bsl. No core shots or edge cracks but skied...
Why not just trade for the 130mm brakes? Or bend the ones you have?
29.5 zip fits still available?
What do you think of these sticks compared to your p4s? I've got a pair that might need to be retired soon
They had a similar sale last spring. Snagged a pair. They were backodered when I purchased and took a few weeks to ship but came in a couple days once they shipped. Screaming deal
Do you mean the other way around?
Got my pair in hand. Everything looks great. Thanks for the psa!
Me too. Hoping its a speedy delievery. Now I just need to buy more inserts.
I have a pair of the purplish and black ones with the white coeners in a 158 and a 166 of the ones that are yellow and have drawings
@sneej- as in they said they are shipping them out? I also got the april 11th date
Just put my order in. They said they are awaiting stock. Lets see how this thing plays out
I have about 25 days on the helldorado in almost all conditions and really like the ski for the most part.
Ill try to address sone of your concerns:
Low tips/ spearing- I have only speared my...