Good source of current info:
Type: Posts; User: jon gaper
Good source of current info:
He wasnt really a buddhist monk
There are a few masters who allow and even recommend savasana position ,and you can always sit on a chair
where is an rv park for 200-400?
basic campsites are that much or more
I did it.A major part of the savings was avoiding renting a car in Europe for many months.
It may have changed,but I was advised to remove the radio to avoid theft on the voyage,I didnt,and the...
Go on a hunger strike
"same as I do every fall for the last 20 years"
Thank you for the excuse I needed to do what I have done for the past 20 years..................skip it
Less than 2 hours for the ultimate fag sissy to show up with cologne
Actually it is based on Beck Weathers book,hence quit different emphasis from Krakauer's
" Their dog happened to chew up $1700 of camera gear, which I think I can fix,"
just curious
what was the damage?
what can you fix?
It would help if there was a way to sort by price that actually functioned
maybe he married up
I have been looking at neoshell jackets,and I dont see any increase in price in Freeride systems offerings over foreign competition
You havent had much luck because you are too lazy to look
Do you really think anybody is going to look it up for you?
Your website is pitiful.
Worse than the Kardasian/Jenners?
Stoner Job Available as Marijuana Reviewer for Newspaper
The Portland-based publication The Oregonian has placed an ad for a “freelance marijuana reviewer,” who will be paid to smoke weed, and then...
It will have a newer odometer
And Mr Heater
The situation in Cali is purely due to a leftist government overregulated and overtaxed
Give him the name and address of the police chief
There is no way you searched on here and didnt find any answers
Here is one
those tits should be covered! ugly. back to scottyb
If you keep buying all this unnecessary shit you will die before you retire
Its a lot easier not to dump in your vehicle for starters
If you dont like the people and you dont like the climate,why are you there?
Such places do exist. Pretty much the entire west coast for example.
If it isnt getting better, a simple cut to open it will release the pus
you are already outed,and still alive
You never had a real Thai stick.They were 1 baht,5cents, and 1 hit lasted 4 hours.before you could stand up.
When did you last do a virginity check ?
Those otherwise excellent free camping suggestions will be very hot if the air is 100degrees
Any ER will treat you for free.
Why not?
xc70 turbo 60,000 miles no repairs needed
Baron von Munchhausen ,is that you?
Balsom mountain is about 20 deg cooler.The rest is too hot for me.but so is most everywhere else within a thousand miles.You can call the park and get the temperatures at each campground
1)nobody should attempt to help you until you get treatment for your serious mental disorder
I guess they missed breakfast.
They would kill for a good dinner by now
You might like Balsam Mountain campground.It is high enough,around 5000',. to be cool in the summer.It is quite small,so no big rv's.Many of the people there came year after year,and it was very...
For God's sake do not let them do a full-arm cast! It's not necessary and I can only imagine how miserable that would be.[/QUOTE
Why do you think hand expert would...
Just put a lot of weight over the rear axle and you will do ok in snow.
You do know that you could have ordered the Sprinter factory 4x4 ,which is much cheaper ( I think about 6k)than the Quigley...
anything a bit closer?
"Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke (D) declared the charges brought against six police officers in the death of Freddie Gray “George Zimmerman and the Duke Lacrosse case all over again” and said...
A mountain of relief supplies and food is piled up at KAT airport ,waiting for the right people to be bribed