Yes, it's flat. Shells never went in the oven. It seems like the intended design. Talked to local bootfitter and he said he's heard of the problem before and suggested attempting DIY, just not with...
Type: Posts; User: ten ply
Yes, it's flat. Shells never went in the oven. It seems like the intended design. Talked to local bootfitter and he said he's heard of the problem before and suggested attempting DIY, just not with...
Thank you!
Thank you both! I'll talk to my shop and see if I can order an alternate boot board. It looks like at least Atomics (which should be the same shell) are readily available in a full length.
I have a high arch too. I usually wear an arch support insert/footbed. The problem could be that I haven't found a footbed with a hard bottom to bridge over that gap. The ball of my foot still sinks....
That's the term I needed - boot boards. So the boot boards seem short. The boot board of my last pair goes all the way to under the tip of the toe. These cut short. Like this but maybe another 2 cm...
Can you elaborate? I added a photoshopped diagram (above) I grabbed from the webs in case I didn't describe the problem spot accurately.
My toes touch when unflexed without the shim. They fit...
I picked up a pair of Salomon Shift Pro boots last year and quickly realized that the gap in what I believe is the midsole (the part of the inside of the shell that the sole of the liner sits on)...
This was the line at Mount Snow to pick up tickets at 10 am (when we noped-out). The red building is NOT the ticket window.
Jumping in on the bear chat: My girlfriend and I were in your area the past two weeks enjoying the fishing and mountains. On the morning of the 26th we were packing up the truck at Spire Rock by...
Sunrise flats with the missus. 8" of foam on a spicy base.
Hopefully, the excellent rec programs know how to intubate.
Salomon boots have always been friendly to my high arch. I do need to extend the toe and instep buckles about as far as they can go to avoid numbness, but they're comfy. If you can save a couple...
1) I'm all for the quality and value of the higher end Tamron lenses. Love my 70-200 2.8 full frame. But it's a beast. The DX version might be lighter and less conspicuous, which would be nice....
Lurker showing up with the big questions: Has anyone spotted Bode yet?
edit: Has anyone skied with Bode yet?
Lost Trail?
Thanks Jamal, stuckathuntah, s_jenks for the offer, and rootskier for the reality check. Good to know. Much appreciated! We might end up going dispersed and just hiking into something off the beaten...
Sorry to hijack the camping suggestions, but can anyone recommend a likely-less-than-crowded campground down towards Hamilton for Labor Day weekend? We could go as far south as Painted Rocks. We'll...
Fallon has an Ikon Pass 5:17
Only been twice, but both days had knee deep - T-bar doesn't open midweek AFAIK, so it's fresh the weekend after a storm. No need to pole if you take 14 turns instead of the 22 you normally get in a...
Neat! Thanks, NB! I had only ever caught glimpses of it and I kept thinking MLB isn't that old, how do they have an abandoned lift?
If I remember correctly there's an abandoned double lift at Moonlight over by Trapline or the pond. It doesn't look like it's on any historical trail maps. Anyone know the history?
19/20 Ikon Pass Info
Edit: LIMITED info. Just pricing. Only big new change is down payment option. And 18/19 passholders save $30 when they renew. Prices increased $50 overall.
m2711c how did the tug make out today. looked like the line was right on snow ridge?
For what it's worth, a buddy said he saw his ikon pass ring up as $60 (I forget the exact number.... but in the $50-$70 range) on the ticket seller's screen at Sugarloaf. Doesn't mean it's what...
Now we know where all of the Ikon lanyards went...
From Facebook 1/1. If you know the watermark, you know where. Woof.
Stumbled across this 1988 Bridger Bowl video. Thought you all would enjoy.
Lurker requesting more BS/MB tales. Better than the Serial podcast.
The light rail is another option to get into Denver cheaply... if your rental car company can pick you up at the nearest station.
Celeb: Shared a lift with James Taylor at his local hill the season before his accident. As nice and soft-spoken as you would expect.
Interesting: A WWII vet still skiing at 94. His destroyer, the...
I sure hope so!
I'm sure it's been said before but a PA partnership with a few eastern passes would be quite nice. I could see how PA mountains wouldn't be making lodging money off of destination visits, but I'd...
Skied Q-Labs there all last week. Fun to let the two sheets of metal run wild.
Never had an issue with Delta, American or United carrying my ski boots on as a personal item. I bring a 40L...
Measured just over 2" in the powderbelt of the northern Berkshires at 7 a.m.
HR 3189 that is... I figured this was as good of a place to raise the alarm as any... with the ski/fish crossover.
Lived there for two years a while back. Lacking on the force-fed terrain for sure. No North Face-like pod. Kidderbrook area is fun when it's good. Never had an issue with crowds on normal weekends....
I know Stratton doesn't have the terrain but they do have a $459 blackout pass that I've been eyeing, since I'll be moving to greater Bennington this fall. krp congrats!
Spamming it up, so I'll keep it quick. Hickory's hosting a 5k to benefit the Double H Ranch's adaptive ski program, next Saturday, August 11. TBatt, get yer ass here! We're throwing in some 2-for-1...
Sorry to spam it up, but Hickory is opening on Saturday. Lower mountain is groomed out. Ridge Run off the top will be open too and all other trails will be assessed by patrol. No cafeteria service so...
This guy is really committed to carving, even if it means cutting off little kids, like here
and here...
We're still closed at Hickory. Waiting on Ma' Nature.
We're bumping Telefest to March 17 - St Patty's Day. See you there. Kirby should be in here shortly to confirm. Just want to give you a heads up before the weekend. Thanks for sticking with us...
Hello Telefest faithful. As you know, all it takes is one storm. I'll post here about opening details as soon as we have them. I like to think that stoke generates snowflakes, so keep it high.
A short clip from Bousquet on Sunday.
Congratulations on what sounds like a sweet gig. Good luck, man.
Bondville friend posted this route out on her FB:
Lurker here. This was posted on the Reddit disc golf page without a credit or reference. Trying to find out if this is from Irene or even east coast. Mind-blowing either way. Tried digging through...