those services are executing an offer and compromise for you.
They work the best if you owe a lot and have very limited current income and assets.
Its a good thing to do (address old tax...
Type: Posts; User: Master of Energy
those services are executing an offer and compromise for you.
They work the best if you owe a lot and have very limited current income and assets.
Its a good thing to do (address old tax...
That's fucking great advice.
and thats 1% per year those asset % fees get. for just doing the same thing. Thats a lot of fucking money. Lets say you get a reduced rate of say .5% of 2mil over...
Don't worry. We've all seen your shitty pictures of sugarbush already and the Cat. And of course the ancient man selfie.
We'll just use our imagination CT-Freeheel
What is your tax basis?
How much of the 200k will raise the sales price if you do the improvements and then decide to sell after renting for a short while?
I didn't say don't pay them. the poster I quoted said he pays them monthly instead of quarterly. That is stupid
With ST interest rates paying 5+%, I would keep my money as long as possible. Paying estimates early doesn't provide any benefit.
Just a portion of a residence gain could be subject to tax in US. section 121 exclusion. 250k gain excluded per person.
And as far as interest deductions - unless you have alot of charity or...
Well its not really a long term gain if your asset just held its value against inflation is it? Short term gains (held less than 1 year) should be (and are) taxed the same as wage and interest...
A 140 pound geriatric roadie threatening people? Funny Stuff
the taxing of Long Term gains as ordinary income only works if you index the basis of the capital to some sort of inflation metric. You shouldn't pay ordinary income tax rates on the portion of...
Laps, Beaterflake
Stay on the groomers at Stratton with the beaters beaterflake
He was Gay, Ohtani?
How did the interpreter have access to Ohtani's bank accounts? Were the accounts in english?
Is access to a millionaires bank accounts usually part of an interpreting gig?
the formula is applicable to all expenses.
Since depreciation is an expense, then yes.
Number of days rented/number of days occupied for mixed use property, assuming you occupied it for more than 14 days or 10% of rental days. (rules are different if personal use was less)
It’s that damn (((George Soros))) again.
a bit slanted? Jesus.
H&R Block charges like a grand for that and they ain’t cpas.
assuming she does a good job you should never leave
you get a business tax return prepared by an accountant for $450?
Is she based in India?
Nantz sounds like he is like 90 and Romo is fucking terrible. Its a horrendous broadcast.
Its not the masters. I don't need to hear Nantz
Kevin Harlan on westwood one is awesome. Sync the...
Lifts: Pfister's crew has been here working on the Quad. Newly found is that one of the towers need a sheave assembly change and working with engineer on that. New wiring for drive system is being...
Is ‘Suzy’ in the video Sue Haywood?
Stay relatively cheaply in frisco / Dillon.
3-4 days at abasin, maybe a day at copper and a day at WP?
I’d wait a bit. It’s going to be peak baby seal season soon.
Our defense spending is off the charts insanely high. Almost a trillion a year. mostly handouts to loafers and losers and then the golden pensions.
We could easily cut it in half and still...
your moms are blowing.
'subscribed' - if only for the Magic drama when black doesn't spin this year (again)
How much did you tip?
You go first
I thought the Jaguars franchise already had a deal in place to move to London at some point in the near future.
I know that is the owner's (shahid 'chaka' khan) eventual plan.
He gets...
Yeah its great. it turns the normal powder day 20 minute lines in to 40 minute lines.
make sure and take a molybdenum supplement before pounding the red wine.
Don't be so hard on the zionists
Are those the new gaypro chest mounts?
You didn't see the second half of the Cardinals Game then? he went 17 for 21 for 259 yards, 2 pass tds 1 run td, no picks, 58 yards rushing.
I'm not saying he doesn't suck most of the time, but he...
Walking boot. Out for a while for sure.
Snow Valley is still for sale. 900 vert. Consistent pitch more or less
So do they have a giant autoclave there or just a lot of bleach?
weather is looking good
so much dharma back east
I thought it was impossible, but you have succeeded in making this event sound quite a bit lamer than last years
So much drama back east
You can not know if you are in the upstates and how fast you’re traveling through the upstates at the same time.
the Utica club principle.
earnings. And the fed may have threaded the needle.
I thought 'trailside' was the large run down tenement looking building with vinyl siding by the beginners area.
'Mountainside' are the townhome style shacks behind red and green chairs. I've...
Stop sitting on your hands when you ride?
I for one can’t wait to hear the trip report.
Intense debates regarding the best arthritis meds, who stayed up real late like til midnight, which guy got up the most to pee overnight and who is...
Big dead cat bounce.
Bobby must have really bought with both hands
Most of the US population is extremely famine resistant. USA! USA!
Perfect hard carvin dentist pic. Definitely a Stratton condo owner there.
I expect we’ll be seeing a lot of these outfits on the hill next year after all those Connecticut dentists see this. ...