That looks alright.... ;)
(And congrats Geo!)
Type: Posts; User: majortom
That looks alright.... ;)
(And congrats Geo!)
I'm sorry, but this is a ridiculous argument. What's the point in owning 10 pairs of skis if you can't afford to ski any of them? You can only ski one pair at a time anyway, so much better to own one...
Neither are you apparently... ;)
Sick TR by the way.
Stop using Safari and use Camino instead.
Congrats Gita!!!
Well deserved :)
Wow... +++vibes+++ and heal up fast. Like everyone else says, the mountains will be there next year.
Get the insurance money and head to SA or something.
More here...
Sickness for sure.
Michelin Stars...
RIP Nils :(
I'm out - things didn't pan out quite as expected. :(
Will try and make it one of these days!
Gear swap?
Ignoring all the innuendo in this thread, ++++vibes++++ for Trev
Hope he gets well soon.
Congrats C!
What a great effort :)
Fkna dude.
Nice pic as well.
RIP Leia
++++vibes++++ mang. You did everything you could. :(
I'm a maybe atm... Need to see how a few things pan out first.
I'm definitely due to catch up with people though!
Blah blah Man U blah blah Arsenal blah blah Chelsea.
There's more than 3 teams in England :cussing:
Haway the lads!
(Oh, site looks pretty...
Can't offer much more than has already been mentioned, but when I was there I couldn't help noticing it's a smart place - seriously, take some decent clothes if you don't want to stick out.
Jesus wept :nonono2: :nonono2: :nonono2:
I really want to believe that's a joke :frown: but somehow I don't think it is.
A sad reflection on consumerist society.
Sometimes I buy a bottle of water out of convenience - ie, I have none and I'm on a long drive etc. However, I will always refill that bottle from the tap as often as possible, usually until the cap...
Bummer dude, but it sounds like she had a good life, and you probably made the right decision, no matter how tough.
I'll raise a glass to her :)
Duh, photo/video talk...
(But, yes, should be very good)
There are many great foods... You can't call any one food the best in the world - imo, it's about context as much as the food itself.
Wow. Jealous. Enjoy :)
Not much more I can say, but hope things turn out ok
Ineligible due to timeframe, but I thought I'd add these anyway:
Arctic Tern in flight:
Nikon D80
Indeed, people like this should lurk less.
There are others who should perhaps spend more time lurking and less time posting.
Have heard that it's actually a pretty good solution for keeping water out of your ears.
I've used it a couple of times... essentially it's supposed to provide additional energy for muscle cells, allowing you to train harder and longer. I found it does make a bit of a difference, but not...
Squaretail's the man.
Now I'm tempted too...
You know, you really need to have a word with the conference organisers about their timings... I mean, Vancouver in June and Utah in July... ;)
Heh... I work about 5 minutes from that address. Want me to stop by and collect your "prize" for you?
Heh, defo a surf suit. My local surf shop only sells 5/4 wetties. North East England is COLD.
Wetsuit wise, the $160 4/3 and the $339 4/3 will keep you just as warm as each other - they're the same thickness. If the cheaper one fits you well, then there's not much point in paying a lot extra...
Note to self, read entire article before making humourous posts...
She's 18 now?
They missed the last photo...
Shots like that make me want to try kayaking again.
Nice work guys.
:nonono2: :nonono2: :nonono2:
Students these days :rolleyes2
Edg, frankly I'm disappointed. 25p a pint and you were still capable of posting rational, comprehensible posts some time after midnight? :nonono2:
Must try harder next time.
It's "Vinyl" you thick fucks.
There's a few turntables on the market now with a USB cable to allow you to hook it up direct to a PC - that's probably the easiest way but I'm not sure what the quality is like, plus obviously it...
Let's be honest though, it would have been quite as cool/exciting/impressive if they were all driving solar powered cars though would it?
Artistic licence or something.
Sure - both valid points; I know with some negotiation I'm sure I could get the price down a bit at a local dealer, although unlikely 30-40%. I've already got body etc, so don't need much in the way...
:mad: :mad: :mad:
So I'm just browsing lenses really, not looking for anything seriously, but I'm comparing prices between the UK and the US...
For example, Nikon 20mm f/2.8D:
US Price (B&H...
Some nice pics in there - might be worth considering a graduated filter to reduce the brightness of the sky/enhance the foreground details a bit.
What do you say to a woman with two black eyes?
Nothing, you've already told her twice.