Made the mistake of ordering these boots without trying them on and they are to wide for me. Only five days on them. $350 plus shipping and they are yours. Also located in Bellingham for the locals....
Type: Posts; User: ajoyner
Made the mistake of ordering these boots without trying them on and they are to wide for me. Only five days on them. $350 plus shipping and they are yours. Also located in Bellingham for the locals....
how many posts do we need to reply too for permission to post in gear trad?
just want to sell some gear
upping post
Can not figure out how to get permission to post.
Mayo is gross. Mustard only
Can not figure out how to post or reply on buy /sell Also cannot upload a profile picture for some reason.
Looks like you got the goods!
I can not figure out how to post. I have also tried the app and it says I do not have permission. I for the life of me can not figure out what is going on.