whirred. no more of this "i hiked up something and then skied down it" crap. for the love of god think of the people at stairmaster. and think about them eating a hot mayonaise sandwich and sweating....
Type: Posts; User: Fueltank Jones
whirred. no more of this "i hiked up something and then skied down it" crap. for the love of god think of the people at stairmaster. and think about them eating a hot mayonaise sandwich and sweating....
I have reservations about your reserving of this space. Thus I will reserve this space.
I'm reserving this spot so that I can reserve it in the future.
I'm reserving this spot to reply to you.
I'm reserving this space for your foot.
I'm reserving this space to kick your ass. ;)
I'm reserving this space to critisize your TR.
cat ate a small bird
wife shouts to come outside now
i'm in underwear
In all of my players:
Jamming on Kazoos with Lord Turdfellow (broken hearts and wind)
EEEEE is the new XXXXX ever since that damn spam filter blocked my online deoderant subscription. And up is the new down. And left is the new escalator at shopko.
This sounds EXTREEEEEEEEME!!!!!!!! Count me in as soon as I pollish off these pizza rolls and deoderant.
It gets embarassing when your top 3 are all various versions (live, acoustic, studio) of the new Jessica Simpson track.
Tempting, but I'll be rowing a small boat across the pacific while chugging a gallon of milk every hour on the hour.
I joined back in Neptumber of 20 ott 6. Back then we called it postage note stacking and flame wars required lighters. We started out by making new members draw dirty pictures of there dogs in Las...
Ughhh. War. I feel bad for everybody involved. I feel bad for the prisoners. I feel bad for our servicemen that weren't party to this. I even feel bad for those that committed these acts. A military...
The album is called "Lovers", check it. You jus moit like it. es muy bueno
There's been a lot of good advice as per lotions and anti-inflamatories, but nobody's mentioned drugs/alcohol to kill the pain and gently place your brain Mr. Wonka's magic boat ride. I say break...
Great thread frizz.
1. I guess circles have their upsides and their downsides too, but I'm going with 1.
2. Owsley was that stupid Owl wearing the professor hat pretending to know how many licks it took to get the...
I'm starting to wonder if you guys learned anything from "the passion".
Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure had a screenplay? :eek: ;) I saw it in theaters too. And given my age at the time, loved it.
POTW. I seriously lost it.
I swear it's all those "freedom fries" going straight to their collective brain buried deep inside the head of a bell ringing weirdo. Quasimodo means "I wanna pork that cartoon girl so bad just 'cuz...
I'm titilated for you man. My nipples are erect and buzzing around in circles..
Congratulations on the new gig, the anniversary, and the family. Sounds like you needed a career change and this is...
That penis thread was a lot fun until it people started posting pictures. :(
You just blew my mind, disagreeing that people can disagree. I think we've just found the center of the universe.
Whew. Cuz, that's where I plan on "shoving all my hate." ;)
You could get a job at Fagercrombie & Bitch. Or be the lovable drunken bartender that just sits under the bar sweating profusely while plotting with the fallen floor peanuts. Or just wear a suit...
...hu uh...you said "member' .... and "yardstick"