Right on, thanks! We fly back on Sunday the 12th, just a quick trip.
Type: Posts; User: Tommy Jong
Right on, thanks! We fly back on Sunday the 12th, just a quick trip.
So where’s the best seafood in Bellingham? Flying in on the 8th to spend a few days up at baker. If anyone might be down for a morning tour before the lifts spin, shoot me a pm. We r staying in...
Practically brand new without box. I wore these for 2 runs inbounds and realized I need a different size. Never toured in and have not been heat molded. All of the heel hold donuts, arch inserts, and...
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Nice work! I’d love to put an arrow through one someday. Hard enough to get within bow range, although I expect the real work to start after he drops [emoji16]
Life’s too short for waiting in lift lines. Where’s the skintrack? To be fair, I signed up for this and the kids r having fun 🤙
I saw it had ripped but didn’t know if it was natural or skier triggered. Anyone hurt?
Tell me more about this trailer park empire, sounds right up my alley. Ground floor sounds nice and all, but can I get a penthouse with a view?
Right on. I refuse to pay to park on the other side but so far nobody has said anything when I walk past. Parking over by cdot has gotta be nice tho, that cuts the approach way down!
I never even considered that as an option, always parked on the other side of 70 with the longer approach. I’m assuming parking there is a work perk for you or do they just not care who parks there?
The hoards of gapers, the flats, the inflated snow totals, the brutal wind… it’s all very real. I don’t think any amount of TGR references to Breck are going to have a noticeable impact on that...
It’s been a minute since I got out for full moon turns. I’m jealous, it’s cloudy and flat here.
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R Crum is a legend. Fritz the cat is one of my favs. This one was an impulse buy at the burton store at vail years ago:
Beautiful. Looks like an old Reef ad 🤙
Haha well played. The boat driver was always the one with the target on their back in water skiing, but perfect pass changed all that. [emoji6]
I dunno, I grew up spending half the year at a little ski lake in the Midwest that pumped out a bunch of regional and national champs over the years. The place really embodied the water ski vibe and...
I can relate to some extent. Grew up skiing but picked up wakeboarding, then surfing when I was a teenager. Snowboarding just went hand in hand. Never really looked back at skiing until I started...
Can’t call out the guests but expecting coworkers to do their job is acceptable in my book. If a guy is standing with his thumb up his ass watching people not follow basic lift line rules when his...
If they aren’t doing their job and the loading area has turned into a total cluster, they’re gonna hear it. Feel free to give me an earful, I’ll give it right back.
Even worse are the ass clowns that go through the maze then expect everyone to go around them while they wait for their buddy who’s still at the back of the line. I usually don’t say anything to them...
Fuck yeah, one of my best days ever was mid week at the basin, late May after well over a foot fell overnight. The tunnel was closed that morning and I watched 2 cars slide backwards down vail pass...
Bump for a good deal on the AK jacket. I’ve been wearing the same one for 10 years and it’s still going strong.
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Exactly what I about of when I read his post! Well played.
Yep, it’s easy to hate on the hoards of tourists but most only use a small fraction of the mountain for a couple hours a day and without them, the resorts wouldn’t be there and the locals wouldn’t...
Oh shit son! At least it came off where it did, I can think of a few spots on lifts where that could be fatal.
Gonna be in Chicago through January, Seattle and Bellingham in early Feb. I can usually find decent deals on shipping though too.
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I haven’t skied in prob 15 years but the more time I spend on a splitboard, the more jelly I am of friends that ski. Hoping to pick up a 175-180 AT setup with tech bindings. Something around 100...
I make a good living but dirtbag ski trips are still the only kind I take. Not that I can’t afford, I just refuse to pay thousands to make turns. I have Southwest points coming out my ears so most of...
Ha! Fair enough.
I didn’t even see the can sitting there the first time I looked at the pic. Agreed, excellent choice! Speaking of, I just bought a few sixers a couple weeks ago. Why is it out right now?!? It’s...
This was always my assumption. It’s at the end of Mt Baker highway.
This is true. I was looking at big chunks of property up there 3-4 years ago on the cheap cheap. Prices have gone way up.
Except for the yoopers. See ADs comment above. In all honesty though, I like ‘em. Not sure what that says about me?
Been a few years but I don’t think they’re all gone. Certainly were there long past 2005.
Nail on the head. I did IT work on mountain at Beav on a board for a year and never had to skate. Prob the most underrated mountain in Summit/Eagle.
I’ve always kicked myself for not hitting the beavers when I lived there, never made it that far over. Wouldn’t be the same with the lift in there now. Was actually really bummed to hear they were...
Confirmed. As low key as they get and too far from anything to ever get that crowded. No grooming means no families and not a ton of jongs. Short season though.
Fuck yeah boys, lookin like a solid start to the season. Headin back to Baker in Feb, praying for the goods 🤙
Taking my kids skiing in a couple weeks for the first time this year and have everything we need except set of skis and bindings that will fit a US men's 4.5 or 22.5 boot. Looking for a ski around...
There’s a Migos one of Wocket in my Pocket out there too.
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“Kick the bucket.”
I see a few others but I’ll let someone else chime in.
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I could get down with that as long as the straw wasn’t paper. That shit’s
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I’m still planning on flying Chicago to Denver in a few weeks for some end of season riding unless these crazy fools cancel my flight or reservations. Was hoping to catch a day a a-basin but I guess...
Just finished building some kill sticks and tuning my new Vertix. Committing to whitetail out of the saddle this season. Is it October yet? I’m ready to stab a big horny one!
Anybody have a code you could PM a beggar?
Anyone have a code u can pm me? Need to re-order a few Xmas gifts in other sizes. Thanks in advance!!!
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Still for sale. Any offers?
anyone have a code for today that you could PM me?
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