I NEED TO SKI!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!! Need the GNARRR!!!!
Type: Posts; User: SkiOrDie
I NEED TO SKI!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!! GRRRRRRR!!!!! Need the GNARRR!!!!
AMAZING!!!! I am totally pumped up now - pulled the skis out of the closet and leaned 'em against the wall in the living room! Got to go, got to go, got to go!!!.......
It's been years since we've had a President who could deliver a speech that wasn't broken English. It's been years since we've had clear thought, serious well considered and free of trivial...
Unfortunately, when credit markets collapse there is a lot of collateral damage. We're only just seeing the start of all this. Waves of it will move through our little isolated skiing world,...
Very cool! Now if only Girlfriends will growl when folks try to touch my bike.....
Yo! If you're tossing that old light set - let me know. I'd love to put it on my Mt. Bike. Those generators are really a hoot and toss good light.
49 years, but the first few were pretty light and there was a gap in the middle when my kids were too little to go with. Now, it's power on to 50 this coming year!!! My goal is to be skiing for...
OK, I've been peddling up before I ride down for a number of years now, and while I enjoy the pain, sweat, and solitude, I've decided I'd like to try going up on a lift. What would you guys...
Is this the same group of guys who regularly hip-check people off of the High Traverse at Alta for going to slow??? Moaning about close passes???!!
Maybe you guys over here don't act like the...
Well, I rented a tandem and took a friend from San Francisco, over the Golden Gate Bridge, out to Rodeo Beach (did the tunnel as we weren't up to standing up yet), then came back over the little pass...
Duct Tape, gauze roll, latex gloves, tiny amount of Isopropyl alcohol, IBU, Allen wrenches (ops wrong kit), space blanket with bright ORANGE side, Phone
I take a lot more if there are is no phone...
Alright - thanks for great advice. I got:
1) Don't do it!
2) Do it!
3) You'll be eaten by Bears!!!
4) You'll be fast uphill and down
5) You'll be fast downhill and suck going up
6) Try...
Wild - a bear - I backpack with my son and I'd never considered being attacked.
I ride over the Golden Gate Bridge nearly every day on my way from San Francisco to Marin to ride. One day there...
Thanks, I don't think I can get my head around the one-up-one=down of the Bilenky. But the independent coasting make a ton of sense, as does the larger gear range. I'll go find one.
OH MY GOD!!! NO!!!
I will kill myself if we looked like that!!! But, thanks for the thought!
OK, I know it's weird, but I'm getting tired of shouting over my shoulder and/or riding slowly when doing "social riding". So.... I'm thinking of getting a tandem so I can take someone along who...
Duct Tape it to your helmet dude! LOL!!!
Spats, all my thoughts are with your friend Eric. I lost my best friend this way when I was 15 and at 56 it still hurts.
We ALL have to ride like every car is out to kill us - they are. Even...
Carry a tire iron or piece of re-bar and be ready to use it.
Not only is there a big difference between Terminal Velocity (the speed where the pull of gravity is equal to the wind resistance, drag, on your body) and acceleration. But, when approaching...
No shit, is "626" from the bible. Here I thought it was a model of car from Mazda. WOW... imagine spending that much time reading one book? I didn't even read Harry Potter THAT many time....
WOW - I really do need to go sled skiing!!! Thanks for a GREAT TR!
Terrible news! Damn! All my thoughts are with her.
Alta patrol has saved my butt a few times, let's find out what's really going on and see if there is anyway those of us who owe them can help...
Can you let us know what you weigh and how tall you are. I've been trying to find a good ski for lighter skiers and the Super Soft Bro seemed like it might work. I want the longer length for edge...
I have had about 10 days on the Profit 100s at a 186. I'm 145lbs, 5'7", and reasonably normal skier, at least by this board's standards. Meaning that I can ski most of the mountain but don't like...
I'd suggest that you try out the short Line Profit 100s. I love those skis, and if I hadn't been totally suckered into the DPS world (happily), I would have bought Line Profit 100s as my "fat" skis....
I would take the 8800 off the list. I am 145lbs and 5'7", and reasonably strong. I ski the ancestor of the 8800 (Nobis Inspired) at 179 and they occasionally take me for a ride a little. They'd...
Thanks for the update - good to hear after all the tales of cracked sidewalls and chipped top sheets.
My 105s are still sitting in the ski-box waiting for my leg to heal so I can ski 'em for the...
First, the pack has to carry a lot more weight than a "day pack" normally does. Even if it's a small sidecountry pack, it'll have the skis, skins, water, etc... which is enough weight that good hip...
How is it that baggage gets weighted but the passengers don't!!???!!!
I ended flying SLC to SFO next to a guy who was so damn fat he hung out over the arm rest and filled half my seat. Good news...
Like Pointedem said: lots of stuff can get you. At the VERY least you should be using a good solid firewall. In addition, if you're behind a router that provides you with an IP address of the type...
Head Standards on the far left of the photo - $45 - eBay. Best so far. These aren't long enough, still looking for some 215s.
That has to be the best looking mini-maggot I've seen. I LOVE THE SHIRT!!!
I'm wearing my Flower Shirt next time I go skiing. Anyone gives me a snicker I'll tell 'em Owen is setting the fashion,...
Wonderful TR - Thanks!! Looks like that knee repair did you proud.
This year, for the first time I'd seen it, there was a speed gate at the bottom of the upper section of Alf's High Rustler. I suppose most of the reason was that that there was about a 15' vertical...
Well, it certainly seems you know the reckless driving law - I still don't see what is "unconstitutional" about a law against reckless and dangerous skiing? Speed certainly is not the sole...
This has really lit up a very boring Saturday morning for me! How funny! Not the "law" all of us on this board. Pretty fucking funny!
Look, there are actually people getting killed on blue runs...
I have noticed a similar effect. I was trying to decide where I wanted to mount some skis so I demoed a set and moved the "mount point" forward and backward by sliding the toe and heel of the demo...
I know you asked for a watch, but there really is a better way. You can tell exactly how high you are with this Rino 520 Radio/GPS:
Ages ago, when I was a young man and there were still things like carburetors and ignition points on cars, these laws were written. BTW - it's actually a law that you have to turn off your car while...
This was a slow day until this!!! I love this thread....
1. Home mountain? - Alta
2. Years skied? - 45+
3. Favorite band to get pumped to? - Lead Zeppelin
4. Favorite activity other than skiing? - Sailing
5. Ever do time? - Ya I've been married....
I have only had one dog, it's a Porty. I have to say that it has the most WONDERFUL personality. It's full of fun and spirit and adores the snow. It has been my buddy running for over 10 years and...
Answers are within the Quote:
I don't give a fuck if they're considered gay - although dragging them through the lift line certainly sucks. It is fun to stand on the other guy's pow cords!
There's no need to use the fancy $10...
LOL! Actually ROFLMAO!!! Look, I get exactly the same response to folks from Paris, London, Moscow... the list is endless. Everyone things that "their" large City is "The City" - Ethnocentrism at...
You've all seen plenty of pics of San Francisco, which we call "The City" in total disregard of folks from New York who seem to think that they're town should be called by the same name. It is now,...
One other comment. A lot of condo sales are financed by folks pulling the equity out of their homes with a re-financing. That stopped recently, as even a ski bum like me could see, so I think the...
I really can't imagine that Kirkwood will have ANY chance of expanding anything much beyond where they are without additional power. Having said that, it's just a matter of installing more diesel...