Powder 7 in Golden is can turn things around quick
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Type: Posts; User: rocca
Powder 7 in Golden is can turn things around quick
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Considering position, explain how Tatum isn't the worst forward on this team.
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Yes, otherwise Water World or Freelitches
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Loveland's negatives are well known. Positives include: not on a mega pass, same side of the tunnel as my house, cheap beers, no lines, good vibes, skiing is fun. Those things keep me coming back and...
Denver seems to have handled getting punched in the mouth. I wonder if Minny can?
- Nuggets fan
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Elitch Lanes was replaced with a Natural Grocers years ago. I think Wheat Ridge Lanes on 38th is still kicking though.
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Pretty sure those are the Bibby/Wildcat version
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Red Flag #6 - Listed avalanche problem lacks some or all of the physical clues of Red Flags 1-5? Maybe add that it's difficult to impossible to manage?
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Not really, as craven said above. There is a gate off of 8 but it's pretty low and requires a good walk to get to Hagar/Dry Gulch.
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Huh, not so for Loveland.
"3 Free Days at Monarch Mountain (visiting guests must purchase $5 reloadable RFID card)"
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Yer gonna like the S. The medium sage zip I have is a touch baggy but I'm not swimming in it. Can easily layer up underneath.
I'm about adrenalated's height but weigh 175 and am a little broader...
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If 179 works for you, the Sierra Tour is exactly this.
ETA: I loved the Underworld/DWT 106 and skied the hell out of it. Others' opinions may vary and ski construction has no doubt improved since...
@Summit you're welcome to park at my place near Tennyson. Uber/Lyft from here may be a wash compared to your other options but my wife or I are always here and there are 2 cameras covering the spot....
Not affiliated, go get em.
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Nope, sounds nice though!
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Wait, are there other kinds of light? Also you and adrenalated don't count.
TFRMNP and N1CK, if you see some dude on Moments with a teal helmet ask for change. Would be great to share some laps!
Loveland was absolutely firing today! Does no one here ski there anymore?
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Great day in North Routt447710447711
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My league has given people the option to get their money back or donate it. I believe all have voted to donate.
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Missed this. Shoot me a PM.
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Finally feeling pretty dialed with these 6! I may have an obvious preference.
-182 Moment PB&Death w/ Attack2 Demos (thanks to Ducksta13)
-184 Moment Deathwish w/ Griffon ID (maybe...
https://www.facebook.com/marketplace/item/1060948197923294/?mibextid=dXMIcH ...
Pending to meter-man
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SOLD New season, new thread.
Making room/raising funds for some new gear. Feel free to price police if I'm way off. Also, I promise I'm real and am the owner of this account (for whatever that's...
Skimmed through the recent posts in this thread and think some of you should consider the Flylow Baker Perm. I was able to test a pair last season and just got my hands on the real thing. Much...
Around 20 days in these guys, just want to try something different. No more wear/tear than should be expected, no punches or other work done, and liners have not been heated because I'm lazy. Pickup...
Used twice and in great shape. Willing to split shipping from 80212.
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Considering letting these go so I can try new things. Love these skis but realizing that my newish ACL and increasingly infrequent resort days have me headed in a different direction. Stock/flex 3...
One last bump before I remount and try again.
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Binders sold
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Spring is coming bump
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Shameless plug, but I have a pair of 182 UL Praxis Yetis for sale in GS that may fit the bill.
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Sent from my SM-G988U using TGR Forums mobile app
Price drop bump - $800+ship for the Yeti package. Willing to split - skis ($500+ship), bindings ($260+ship), skins ($80+ship), ski crampons ($50+ship).
All other items sold or spoken for locally.
Selling some 182 UL Veneer Yetis in GS.
To the top
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Kingpins sold
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Yup, standard width. Looks to me like they will get to 315 easy. Heels were mounted in the center of the track.
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If I can't find a buyer for the package, yes.
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Thanks dude!
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Making room/raising funds for some new gear. Feel free to price police if I'm way off. Also, I promise I'm real and am the owner of this account (for whatever that's worth). Happy to help allay any...
^ Yup, longest most persistent conga line I've seen in a long time.
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Today was great. More faceshots than core shots so no complaining here! Kept an eye out but must have been on a different 9 rotation than the rest of you. Mint helmet/purple jacket/something Moment...
Yup, exactly like a hockey stick. Milan Hejduk used to do his this way and I thought it was pretty slick. It can be tricky getting the length of the rolled tape right and make sure you start the tape...
Athletic tape ftw. This has worked for me for years. 363547
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Yup, if you're standing their deck looking across the valley this slope is in front and to the right.
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