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Not exactly:
But Groupon is growing so fast that it makes more sense to look at Q4 numbers. And according to our source, Groupon is approaching $2 billion in annual revenue, based on November's numbers.
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I blame that damn movie glamorizing nerds in hoodies.
Sold some IBM stock today. There is a gap down at $150 put in play (You never go broke taking a profit). I bought a small cap growth with 1% of funds as an initial position.
Market closed right on support and was weak after the close so there is a lot of event risk this weekend. I also have a large bond position I've added too for the last month that should do well in that scenario.
Bunch of scenarios relating to North Africa to put into consideration (Escalations from crisis into violent self-determination into transnational, bellicose proxy fights).
Elevated uncertainty. VIX didn't do it justice today.
The prevailing narrative of global recovery should IMO still get at least the plurality of likelihood, but that is down from >80%.
No xtal ball here.
Safe skiing and boarding this weekend.
Best wishes.
Yes. Tomorrow it's all over. Sell everything.
Some funny comments in Polyasshat on this topic
Um... 460 points and falling. Glad I'm broke as fuck from investing in a start up instead of putting money in the market. At least I can control a little bit of where my money is going right now...
Strange times!
No worries
Obama is at the helm and we are headed exactly where he wants us to go.
I've got 20,000 rounds of Ulyanovsk 7.62x39.
Any interest?
I'll sell as low as 100 round lots.
Make me an offer I can refuse.
the government as a whole is to blame for this mess. democrats, republicans, they're pretty much all full of shit and due to them only wanting to work against one another, they are not acting in the best interests of the american people. pretty much nothing gets done in washington these days, our government needs some restructuring.
What exactly has Obama done to cause this? Obamacare is it...
Who wanted to extend the Bush tax cuts last fall cutting revenue?
Who wanted to extend the payroll tax deduction?
Who wanted to cut government spending in a fragile economy when the fed, Bill Gross, and most economists said it was a mistake?
Three conservative changes and now what. Economic collapse world wide.
Not Obama. No way.
GOP and Tea Party say let it burn. Tea Party hillbilly economics.
Didnt you post in the buy stocks thread you were a buyer on Friday? Just because you got burned quit looking for the scapegoat.
How is everyone's "hope" and "change" working out for them?
"Hillbilly economics". Excellent. I love it.
^ x2
Down another 100pts... Can it get any worse? I just jumped back in. Heavily. yee-haw! :eek:
“Jethro, wearing ridiculous short pants and a beanie, comes home from his exclusive private school in Beverly Hills … Granny asks what has he larned from his fancy schoolin’ … Jethro says, Granny, today I learned that Pi are squared! … Granny scoffs and retorts, Why, everybody knows pie are round! Cornbread are square!”
This. You guys who blame Obama, GTFO. Or is it your argument that he alone sets economic policy and congress just rubber stamps it? Did the economic bubble burst before or after he got into office? Did the policies and practices that created one of the biggest periods of speculation in history begin before or after Obama got into office? Do you really expect the president, all by himself, to fix all the shit that got broken over the last 20+ years?
The rich and the corporations run this country now. Whatever is happening is designed to benefit them and all you worker bees can just suck it up. Partisan politics plays into their plans perfectly. As long as we are divided against each other over ridiculous dogmas (conservatism, liberalism) the ultra-rich will get richer and to hell with everyone else.
once bitten twice shy: S&P downgrades the US from AAA citing political infighting and a lack of will to solve its immediate term problems. i'll let benny cut and paste the NYT article. next week, S&P to reveal santa claus may not be real!
That's gonna leave a mark.
Only objective into 2012 for the GOP and Congress, party over country.
Not to worry, the Repugnantcans are on it:
(here's your cut and paste)
Prayer Rally Draws Thousands in Houston
HOUSTON — Thousands of men, women and children listened to Christian-themed singers and music groups at Reliant Stadium here Saturday morning, shortly before a controversial prayer rally sponsored by Gov. Rick Perry was to begin.
And They're Off: ES Down 31, DJIA Futures Down 274, Gold Surges To New Record $1692
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 08/07/2011 18:06 -0400
The first prints are in: ES down 31, DJIA down 274, and gold, natural, welcomes our new centrally planned overlords by hitting an all time high of $1692.
Cross posted from polyasshat and a cool bonus link for the Padded Room:
Bloomberg called up all the top guns and big boys and girls to do a special report tonight. Futures way down, but, heh, treasuries up. I'm watching back and forth with Yankees/Sox. Busy night.
btw, I challenge anyone to say that Roubini is a crank at this point. He's been spot on for over six years, if one ignores his stock market predictions.