ARKK seems to have gone out of its way to buy the shittest stocks.... remember when she loaded up on Twitter and Draftkings?
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ARKK seems to have gone out of its way to buy the shittest stocks.... remember when she loaded up on Twitter and Draftkings?
Bought a little Tesla today. 113. Probably early, it’s in my sep ira. Small.
Waiting for 90 to buy a fair Amount.
Other than one suggestion I got here a few years ago that's up 150% everything else I own has tanked. At this point I'll hold until they creep back up because why not. I held a little cash back for what's happening now so, is there something I can grab for a few hundred bucks that might have some potential for a short term gain?
Wait until the entire mkt crashes to load up. Sp 3299 ish
I’m buying amzn, google, and now Tesla in my sep, a little bit each month.
I took some gains on Exxon and and General Mills this week and have set that aside to buy more amzn, google and Tesla in my personal account. I also may sell some Mo and jnj in the personal account if they hold up and these blue chip techs keep crashing. But not before everyone is tapping out.
These are all 10-15 yr holds
As far as loading up I agree, I'm just looking for something short term. Maybe something heading into a (hoped for) strong quarter report to add a few bucks here and there.
Credit getting crushed. That fits with 2900 or worse.
GLNCY around $5, it even started paying dividends a while back and unless I'm guessing wrong it should keep trickling up. Another miner would be good but I don't see them as short term plays. Make or break? No, but a few dollars at a time won't hurt and since I only have a few hundred to play with I can't expect much.
Founded by Marc Rich. Rudy Guliani made his name railroading the guy.
Great book. Easy read
Nat Gas down 40% in less than three weeks.
Bought a tiny bit more Tesla. 110 ish. Probably get a good bounce then lower, but long term hold.
Just sticking my toe In the water. Figure if someone was dumb enough to pay 400, I’ll take it from them for 100
Could you tell that to the CA PUC....
New gas and electric rates went into effect Jan. 1. According to SDG&E, the cost per unit of natural gas — known as a therm — more than doubled over the past year, increasing from $2.36 per therm in January 2022 to $5.11 per therm in January 2023
Ha, jinx with liv2ski....I absolutely hate sdge.
Gas bills are paid in arrears so those bills lag the price of NG. The average price this past year is probably double what it is now. We have to pay the cost of the higher resource from last year because there is a PUC. We don’t pay market rates like gasoline.
Natural gas and electricity trading is dome wild shit. They must be really hurting because those meats are generally rigged.