ok. then why is Bobmc posting false info? He obviously cares enough to post. You care enough to post you do not care.
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Aren’t you supposed to be daytrading? Not gonna make your numbers if you spend all day jawbonin’ it around the water cooler.
Shorts don’t control the buy in of shorts, the clearing firms and broker dealers do. It’s all automated and based on the size of the customer on if you will get bought in.
I would call what some would call a “short squeeze” as a liquidity crisis. People that are short shares are being “bought in” at the end of the day, losing their short shares and then come in the next day unexpectedly long and then have to re short. If you get a gap down in between you can lose a lot of money on whatever you were hedging. . It’s all automated and has nothing to do with bias but rather tha avaialbilty of shares to borrow and short. That’s why option put/call parity gets all screwed up, people pay a premium to short deltas with options. They hammer the calls and bid up the puts because the average schmuck can’t short the stock, only the big guys can. It was the easiest money I ever made selling those risk reversals and shorting the stock. I am almost never got bought in because I cleared Merrell Lynch and they had a huge stock loan dept.
I keep saying this, but being short stock does not always mean you want the stock to go down. You may be the one shorting the puts (me), or you may have gobbled up a ton of warrants, and you’re just hedging.
It’s not always a mind game. The structure of liquidity in the market prevails over fantasy david vs Goliath stories. Much, much bigger players doing things we have no idea about. 90% of short interest is just a hedge. The run up in price is purely a liquidity issue.
Right, and the whole “gamma squeeze” thing is just the latest fad that will always have merit but it’s doomed to fail as a primary strategy like every other fad. It’s never that simple.
I still expect GME In low single digits at some point regardless of technical positioning. I’m sure Cohens trading branch is well hedged.
It’s hard to pick a spot where people are long/short gamma, and where they will adjust deltas. Some do it every .05 on an auto hedge, some let it run the entire day. Pin risk is very real though.
It’s the same problem with all these indicators we talk about. Back as a young lad, I enjoyed reading the teradyne tape. Looking for big prints. Never mind they had 2 minutes to print trades. But nowadays, where is the info coming from? You’d know better what the vendors are using to plug in. But short interest? Who knows, there are many exchanges, then there are crossing exchanges, so many more sources of data I question anything I’m looking at now as incomplete. And considering how hush hush the stocknnloan business is I’d give 0 relevancy e to any short interest indicater
I’m having trouble figuring this out
I believe I bought 90 shares of this stock and it now says I own 285.
Is this a split and another split?
The money lines up
Attachment 425664
I can’t believe I’m answering this:
GME was 3 to 1 dividend split.
A split would just mean you split the share into 4 shares.
A dividend means each shares was given 3 shares.
pure comedy at its finest!
Yes but dumb ass me is making money with my money
Go figure
I’m not fucking around. No logo trucks there at the moment. They are swapped out daily
This is one of the owners trucks. He he used be a cop in San Salvador. Now he works for or is affiliated with? - does the dirty work. Because they don’t give a shit about us
I would not post this unless I was 100%
Attachment 425688
Funny it ended up in another thread. I’m gonna go at it now
Hysterically laughing at your reflection. You don’t look suspicious at all 😆
Ok, I’ll give you that I was looking at an adjusted chart. Regardless, pretty sure my point still stands. They’re both shitty companies that have been bleeding cash for a while. You can talk all the squeeze you want, it still stands they both are down considerably and have tried to pivot to alternate business strategies that are also failing.
GME November 1, 2021 $50.02
GME today $25.14
AMC November 1, 2021 $27.36
AMC + APE today $13.11
“Your an idiot if you don’t have a LONG position in GME/AMC at this point in time”
Is two weeks long? GME earnings after the bell tomorrow…
As an aside, MTT’s posts today made me smile after a long hot day at work.
GME up 12% on “partnership” with FTX. Sound familiar?