The vast majority of the APCHA ownership inventory is category 4 and RO, and if you read between the lines, those are the locals with good jobs that need the least help, yet have outsized representation within the system. 62% of inventory is dedicated to these top earner categories. Better yet, assets are never checked once you have bought in the system. Look at the link below. You can see exactly who lives in the really nice places. Real estate agents that make consistent 7 figures a year, doctors, partners in accounting firms, local builders, ETc. All very successfull. These people can still buy free market in 2023, but why would they under current rules?
Just wait until you hear how easy it is to transfer this APCHA inventory down to your progeny in perpetuity. It's the classic "i got here first, so im keeping mine" mentality that the Boomers popularized, and hopefully dies with them.
Add in the coming retirement wave of said Boomers who have no backup plan besides being entombed in their 4 bedroom units (they are empty nesters with sometimes 3 unused taxpayer subsidized bedrooms), and APCHA is going to have a come to jesus moment sooner than later.