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To be fair, while NIMBYism is certainly an issue in and of itself, there are some notable downsides to just forcing housing in places.
1) It is pretty damn expensive to build worker housing in HCOL areas, which means inherently fewer units get built which doesn't solve the problem.
2) In a sort of reverse NIMBY mentality, there is a very high level of entitlement for the quality of worker housing in HCOL areas. Anyone who has lived in a ski town knows what I'm talking about. If it isn't a 4 bed, 3 bath detached on acreage in a prime location for 1k a month that also allows their rescue pitbull to roam around you get gripes, or even in some instances no takers. There needs to be a certain level of understanding that subsidized housing is going to be a tradeoff, and that tradeoff is most likely going to be location and size.