I'm confused. Goldenboy says it is hard to sell your deed restricted home. And then fastfred said there is a long waitlist to be able to buy a deed restricted home?
And I read the rules wrong. They kick you out if you stop working at least 30 hours a week. They also kick you out if you become disabled and can't work anymore.
So I guess Benny will have to jerk fred off for 30 hours a week for the rest of his life. A small price to pay to live in Summit County on the cheap. And I assume they don't audit too hard so you can still do that house exchange in Italy.
The rules say you have to work "for a business located in and serving Summit County." That one is really easy to exploit. A financial advisor, or an attorney, who makes all their money in the big city could move into deed restricted, move their business address to their house (everyone works from home now anyway), honestly accept new clients in Summit County (even though their main bread and butter is their book of clients in the big city) and satisfy this rule.