Originally Posted by
I don't have to make assumptions, you are very vocal about where you stand and why you do things and who you are on this board. That said, I don't blame you for moving to the valley or for working remotely. The valley is an appealing place to live and get that paper. Trust me on this, I understand and moved there for the same reasons.
What I do not support is your complete lack of recognition that you directly are causing the affordability problem. Without rehashing everything like Conundrum has highlighted, you continue to express concern for an affordability problem you directly caused. Literally no one you are displacing believes your concern about it because you went ahead and paid the increased costs and displaced a local anyways. Again, that is your right and I see why you did it, but maybe stfu up about how it worries you, or how you could do something about it. You had that chance and said fuck it, I'm paying the money. You might feel guilty about it, but then are going to get on your bike, or go for a ski, and enjoy the rest of the day while making six figures remotely and forget all about it while the people you displaced are starting over somewhere else after being forced out a place they loved.
Life isn't fair, gentrification (for lack of a better word) is a bitch, and I'm definitely bitter about a lot of things but when the displacers feign concern for the people they displaced it is straight up insulting. I say this as a guy who owned his house and was fortunate to have a decent enough job that I wasn't forced to do anything, but dozens of my friends, the people that made the valley what it was to me, were. I still had the Tetons and the snow and the access but lost most of the culture that made it great otherwise. And there were some other reasons also for why I left that I wont get into and remote workers had absolutely zero to do with, but I know what the effects of the affordability problem are and had many a teary goodbye to good people who lost out. You haven't had to go through that in your year or two yet, but you will eventually, and maybe you'll understand then.
I hope I have been able to explain my logic on this. I really don't think you are a bad guy, but sometimes what you say just comes off as extremely out of touch to the people you are talking about, so maybe this helps you understand where guys like me are coming from.
I'll also edit to add that I'm expressing this to you because you moved to Teton Valley and so it hits home to me, but it's not unique to you, and it was probably unfair of me to single you out directly. This is a story as old as time in any mountain town. I'm sure someone feels I displaced them at one point as well and I'm just some bitter old local trying to illustrate something I didn't fully grasp myself at one point either.