summary of 18 page thread to 10/23/07... part A
Wanted to comment in this thread being as RE is my business for nearly 23 years, but I'm not so stupid to go fucking up the thread without reading it. I read ALL this shit, then decided to summarize it... what a dumb shit. See, I can still screw it up even after reading the whole damn thing.
FYI, not a 1 for 1 summary...
start @ 5/26/2006
benny: watch out boom over
ak_pow: I'll be baron!
squatch: you'll need serfs.
skiing: he not the man
Theodore: shit! new $ broker
hutch: delta shit my shine
steve: still a smart dude
ice: X got the house?
benny: yea, not the 401K :)
root: get refi bidness quick
550: good RE blog
benny: look out 4 foreclosures
tipp: funny shit that 401K
theodore: 4 of us left now
cono: vegas bad, very bad
root: duh, MT biotech boon
root: I'm dangerous with $
theodore: arms adjust
ak_pow: baron with china serfs
theodore: wait til the boys...
root: ours are fixed, no arms
tipp: me 5.125% and happy
theodore: painful wake up
lee: vancouver insane
theodore: I HATE debt
mr_g: bullshit,ignore NYT
ice: ribbing was in order
truth: bring on bargain hunt
mr_g: benny is chicken little
spin: oh yea? don't think?
benny: read 1,000,000 next door
huch: yawn, print own money
ryde: lining up out of state $
mr_g: after rich dad poor dad
benny: trust fund baby?
spin: wish real hard
mr_g: I make more than U do
mr_g: "crash" will be localized
spin: will be feeling pain
mr_g: patently false
cono: Tom Ve dead on 15 years
benny: where info? Fox/Rush?
mr_g: WaPo, WaTimes, WSJ
spin: simple cause & effect
mr_g: "poor" have no taxes
benny: live free, watch idol
bklyn: geez, true measure!
meat: i'm lovin it, buy more
cono: eden? sshhhhhh!!
atomic: these are my women
root: Summitpublican?
monkey: md9 shh, not 1031s yet
mr_g: slow day in bed-stuy?
bklyn: weak, I'm disappinted
benny: more oh oh
ice: who quote from?
benny: NTY RE blog
whatcom: pop pushed off
mr_g: ohio vs upstate NY?
cj1f: hows CO going?
mr_g: not negative here
ice: yeah, I guess I could
root: howz st.paul, missouri?
schmear: inlaws eden, RE rocks
benny: even more
sea2: WSJ like my parents
benny: drunken party 4 years
cono: kicking myself
dano: well?
cono: shit. louis, sorry karl
cono: sucked
ryde: I WILL rule
sea2: rich people
cono: they lost 25 mil
various: links
benny: more info
dexter: still up here
slip: buyer's market
part-e: i'm flat?
mc2rd: where it at?
huck: right spot?
md9: SLC going off
benny: more pasteing
cj1f: same
summit: please!
ski_t: show off
ski_t: not naxdaq-uean
cj1f: more bad
chain-ie: chicken little
md9: i'm still loving it
gr8: why $ v % ^ ?
various: i think...
skiB: SLC no slow down
ptdem: SLC reacting
core: -5 to 15%
ride: I'm in, phew
md9: I don't see it
slip: 2.4 mil 2wide
benny: iraqublican boom!
md9: then buy in SLC
cono: super 8 garage
slip: could work
benny: nice breasts
yeti: change my arm?
hev: 4.24 4 2 w/20
spats: bull n bears
lemon: Xouts up 53%
core: 250 MI Xouts
tin'man: why a condom?
shmer: mass produce land
various: build on dumps?
cono: no layoffs, no dump
slip: bozeman 3x needed
various: iraqiburton
4matic: flush w/cash
tin'man: no, not to 100
benny: flush? jeezuz
mr_g: .5 mil rounding error
DJS: ah, fuckit... 80k
4matic: vietnam recession
core: stats coming, bad
core: hard landing
powwow: not in my neck
core: look out below?
anon: now work anywhere
boom'r: hurt is coming...
tin'man: lie to that theory
mitch: ^^ I agree
tin;man: huh? mucho info
4matic: I see < 4% in 2007
lego: "nice places" theory
core: Mr. Housing Bubble
divegrl: 4 years 4 cheap!
ride: uh, no... GW strikes
mitch: financially retarded
assgas: truckee flipers lost
schindler: NHL transfer score
hutch: rich C.A.s to teton?
4matic: most pundits wrong
benny: can't pay-can't sell
mr_g: let up! an anti-jinx?
benny: I'm watching, popcorn?
cono: last time -20%
spats: Japanese haven't come
md9: I'll be cashing checks
benny: SLC doesn't count, water?
mc2rd: location in investing?
benny: buy V sell ^ brilliant!
mc2rd: you aren't either
benny: I'm at the stock market
dips: md9, talent but watchout
root: good for md9, relo fucked
md9: I like RE, teh $ crazy!
rip: md9, on tv? kick ass!
md9: yeah, that's me?
core: you lucky, me jealous
sean: md9, wanna loan me $ ?
md9: fix rentals raise rents
md9: buy odgen before gondola
sean: md9, get commercial?
sean: now booze and porn!
cono: u da balls! where mine?
shmer: how much work?
root: cast iron balls! flow?
md9: commercial someday
tips: commercial has bumps
md9: I work my ass
md9: my wifes balls
ling: md9, daddy sez wha
tin'man: what he said
jackie: md9 not REavangilist
mitch: sack, luck & research
ice: my cuz iz rich
tin'man: 2-3x poor saps
cono: no guns, md9 grunts
mitch: buyer beware
hook: FL dumbs, md9 stoke
shmer: nooice!
md9: buy right, dad is smart
benny: squeeze reaching deep
tin'man: be careful, u atypical
aldo: zip 07043 mulitple bids
4matic: 94580 dumps & retards
4matic: housing -1 point GDP
various: linkies
core: 8 houses 8 months idiot!
md9: holy crap, insane kid
flatr: shoulda listened to pa
DJS: foreclosure climbing fast
benny: I'm going Dow baby!
skimonk: PC not md9 like
root: slight slowdown, no worry
benny: new-home prices fall
benny: largest drop in 35 years
benny: drag on growth
benny: bonanza turned bust
benny: house prices misleading
ride: not here in teton valley
cj1f: WTF? 10K residences?
(continued next post)
summary of 18 page real estate crash thread (part 2)...
md9: SLC graph, got 4 props!
root: md9 sold projects yet?
core: md9 green line concern
md9: not sold, still confident
pow11: wet trailer = +$85K
ride: teton valley + 3K homes
eldo: re graph, won't continue
benny: suprised at how fast
ryde: buy rentals
benny: chicago foreclosure
ride: mine 230K to $550K
benny: march sales -8.4%
common: find law re converting
follow: no cali crash so far
black: jackson > 1 mil
benny: jackson like malibu
md9: SLC slowed down, buy ogden
dexter: point to weak market
md9: year 2 of thread, meh...
spook: at bottom? baloney.
mc2nd: I = md9, ebb not flow
benny: gov to bail mcmansions?
spook: gov did induce these peeps
cj1f: this bailing bankers tho
spook: i agree
colm'n: locationx3, denver slow
buc: no 'national' RE market
mitch: deal by wellshire/slavens?
eldo: N.E. Calgary w/big ass SUVs
benny: builder battered by bust
core: knee deep weeds on street
partile: Fresno. Wheeee!!! blah.
benny: Detroit shit
core: yep, my street too
benny: +++ timeline 4 recovery
ride: going gangbusters
MTskier: mine taking time 2 sell
Danno: I live in a bubble
MteleM: me hot air balloon
DJM: FKNA Danno...
pow11: RE collapse paper fodder
4matic: East Bay Area soft & down
benny: really saying is F the X
bastard: MTskier, got pics
core: I just mailed 2 Laurel MT
4matic: links
benny: Countrywide chairman: shit!
(NOTE: benny knew on 5/26/06,
now on 7/27/07 this dumb fuck
running countrywide just found
p_mc: Where $ falling? I'll move
cj1f: FL or MI, bah...
f2f: San Diego Xouts ^ 551%
4matic: CA weak, rates 4% in 08?
ride: Idaho < $600K gangbusters
cj1f: that bad CA place
f2f: your money shit
666: thank you 100% financing ;)
benny: NJ retirees need $58 B
666: but gov gave the go ahead
cono: no have to mow anymore
dAD: wife's friend just hit it
4matic: old europe, rate shit
stone: I'm living it every day
jbach: SLC $ trending down
squaw: london is all that
squaw: 'les agents immobiliers!
rune: what's wrong w/100%
stone: no lick for 5 years
p_mc: be smart not stupid
cono: st.louis free plasma
alek: yea 4 you in st.lou
cono: catfish tourney n nascar
comish: everywhere but here, but
cono: LA is wierd, alot
666: Silicon increasing crazy
cirque: temperpedic bitch!
comish: rent up 200 mo, hurts
ride: JH & Teton rising, silly
rune: rent was cheap vs mortgage
666: same boat buddy! wierd.
hutch: creditors to after her?
core: jim cramer sez walk away
core: cramer sez 100% default
md9: <200K SLC feeding frenzy
sfo: I'm waiting 4 right deal
benny: and I'm a doomsayer?
core: housingpanic.blogspot
core: cramer video; armageddon
core: cut on cali credit crunch
core: no more FL condo loans!
enlos: N.Tahoe/Truckee lesser $
dMad: no good job in his lap
benny: my friends sky is falling
4matic: chicken little sez what
woodsez: probably the same thing
mc2rd: watching bennys buying
woodsez: I'll take benny's
yoss: past "holistic" bottom?
woodsez: i hope pessimism
benny: don't catch falling knife
sist: broke idiots backup plan
4matic: not nervous, no sympathy
up_an: corn profit = new bindings
gordon: foreclosure last thing
4matic: corn deflation upon us
woodsez: dad sez not want them
alek: 12 yr bubble popping now
aldo: sky falling, benny rents
benny: they know, i rant too
toad: if shit hits the fan big
benny: gov bailout could happen
p_mc: I'm still appreciating
lumpy: my spec home 'hood quiet
toad: gov rescue? how about NOLA
benny: britain silver lining
core: NAR whores gleeful no more
benny: lookie at linkie, wow
ice: cool charts, not cumulative
cj1f: big $ safe, from overseas
benny: russians coming, S.A.s too
cj1f: US sliding backwards
benny: dude, welcome, get in line
steep: $ in canada?
4matic: potential for low rates
ride: ID market cooling off
p_mc: howze 97/3 or 80/20 loans?
mc2rd: prove your credit big 1
comish: no wanta da jumbo
wart: on the construction side
p_mc: didn't read day credit died
core: greenspan.pompous.asshole
benny: imagine whining about it
4matic: in favor of owning
AKPogue: why blame greenspan?
(recovering cheesehead)
toad: "own" the american dream?
benny: running dog capitalist pigs
stu: UK gov guarantee deposits
benny: to stop a bank run?
nobody: fear of losing 2,300 lbs
666: rents up in Santa Clara
ice: wait and RE will pay off
chemical: rate cut tomorrow MFs
chain-ie: hope 2 drop, nope...
woodsez: median price misleading
benny: about location these days
stu: not a wonderful like to come
enlos: input on feds cuts today?
root: I'm not intelligent (sorry)
spats: creative financing cant
root: but there are regular 30 yr
chain-ie: seattle not slowing
benny: echoes bailout from 1998
liv2: mailing keys from underwater
dap: Montreal analyst v Greenspan
ride: ID market softening, but...
sail: divorces start w/marriage
flexon: who needs a Real(i)tor?
benny: benny wants 2 live in WY
ride: what is holding you back?
benny: 50 million to 1 lotto odds
ride: U could find something!
benny: yeah, dream on... for view
super: true dat, targhee private?
ride: only OOT'ers allowed on tram
super: WY screwed up life in ID
ride: I got him good n' sauzled
super: tailor to your audience!
dirk: teton mags taxes killer
benny: You betta not want Vail
benny: first half 2007 loans suck
bubuck: ya, 2007 vintage sucks
stu: eating this up with beans
cubuck: investment firms bias
mitch: Amen, 06/07 complete shit
chris: buying in Denver next yr?
mitch: you bought a home run!
benny: underestimating stupidity
stu: credit shitshow stupid x2
chris: we'll see, on rail winner
cj1f: big county CA sales v 30%
md9: fly on wall at realtor meets
root: did projects sell yet md9?
drgonzo: SLC; everyone is scared
benny: looking in westchester NY
ride: teton gonna be interesting
drgonzo: thought boise was free
benny: GWB eating a puppy?
md9: 2 at +$100K, 1 rented
corn: any RE folks in PDX?
tourette: rent, not at PDX bottom
cubuck: can't time bottom, move on
nobody: news pointing downward
danno: RE markets localized
nobody: can I borrow your money?
corn: PDX rents up and strong
benny: CEO thinks screwed thru 08
cj1f: my old PDX rental still flat
pow11: one mans forecloser is
another mans bargain (This
deserved more than 2 lines!!!)
cubuck: your PDX like whole USA?
cj1f: he asking about PDX market
cubuck: nevermind
benny: hard to predict-late 09-10?
cj1f: I'm in agreeance on futility
jbach: interest rate complicate
MTskier: house still 4 sale in MT
toad: tried
benny: capitalism funny thing
core: warped mentality still there
core: SLC graph (bad numbers)
core: funny video about uncle Ben
DJS: 2 graphs, RE vs stock market
md9: I'm still investing + graph
Phewww... comments later! :rolleyes:
I am a dumb shit!!!