Originally Posted by
I Skied Bandini Mountain
That's not it and you know it.
People want to live in Bozeman for things they can't get in Jordan. This isn't limited to the BZN, and it's been going on forever. I'd like to live in Malibu, but I can't afford it, so I don't.
The only way this is going to change is when we start taxing the shit out of wealthy people so they can't afford 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th homes in places they like to play a few days a year in. But the economy will change with that, we've built communities that depend on recreation dollars, once that revenue source goes away, a lot of other things are, too. Those boarded up downtowns in "real" Montana happened because the AG and railroad economies stopped being viable 75 years ago.