Have to strap frames in my community in western ID but no hot water heater straps. Not sure when straps/bolts became a requirement but hasn't been that long ago.
Edit-much of country, not muni, still has pretty lax codes not requiring strapping.
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Have to strap frames in my community in western ID but no hot water heater straps. Not sure when straps/bolts became a requirement but hasn't been that long ago.
Edit-much of country, not muni, still has pretty lax codes not requiring strapping.
If you want to relax overall impact review (effectively some level of grandfathering rebuilds of comparable size), I'd agree.
I don't agree with relaxing stormwater rules, for the same reason you cite in requiring modern building codes: appropriate stormwater handling mitigates the impact of future weather events not only for that household, but also for everyone downhill. Having lived through more n-year flood events than math would suggest a 44-year-old should have, I tend to agree with those who think we're currently under predicting risk of big weather events.
seriously? who wouldn’t want a place that was pre-disatered?