I mean yeah, if you are single w/o kids, have 3mil cash on hand and are into a nomadic lifestyle. Not many of those folks out there though.
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I think I’d much rather have this for 2.4 mil
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^^^And how many scantily clad athletic women you gonna see paddling by on SUPs every summer day if you’re on a hilltop in almost West Virginia?
I'm disappointed that Montucky didn't inform us of this AAA investment opportunity. Missed a golden chance for the TGR collective to buy a giant house on the cheap, do a half-assed job of finishing it, and have a shared ski/party palace that pisses off all the multimillionaire neighbors for the foreseeable future. MontuckyFried, next time you have to let us know!
What do you think it would be on the other side of the street with no river frontage? Under $1m? My sister is in Bend now and I've been visiting enough to get the idea that Bend seems to be headed the same way as Aspen. I walked past this listing last week that's even crazier than the first one: https://www.redfin.com/OR/Bend/615-N...home/112330773
This all day in that price range.
Or you could have 2 of these:
True, but I also wouldn’t have to see spandex wearing, Tacoma driving, California transplant, brew pub bro-brahs every time I walked out the front door.
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True, but I also wouldn’t have to see spandex wearing, Tacoma driving, California transplant, brew pub bro-brahs every time I walked out the front door.
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When the say it can't get much worse, that's when it usually starts to prove them wrong and it gets much worse.
The housing market can't get much worse from here, according to Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman.
High mortgage rates and high prices have crushed affordability for buyers.
The market is in a freeze and the sales slowdown that will last for a "long time," Kelman warned.
The only good thing right now about the US housing market is that it can't get much worse from here, according to Redfin CEO Glenn Kelman.
The head of the real estate listing site pointed to tough market conditions over the past year, with affordability plunging to an all-time-low, according to Goldman Sachs' housing affordability gauge.
That's the fault of high mortgage rates, which have raised the cost of borrowing for prospective homebuyers, while also discouraging potential sellers from listing their homes. That's exacerbated the supply shortage and pushed up home prices even as demand falls due to higher rates.
Half of all vacation/second homes in the country are owned by baby boomers. Collectively, boomers are sitting on appx. 35,000,000 primary residences.
These will be fed back into the market at an increasingly fast pace because the boomers are starting to drop dead.
Outside just named Laramie the most affordable mountain town in the west. What they forgot to mention though is the wind. Not sure if locals need to worry about it blowing up for that one reason alone.
Boomer vacation homes aren't likely to magically appear as inventory to prospective buyers. Their kids will inherit the homes. Even if those kids sell the houses, the wealth from those house sales will find its way into other real estate markets and other asset classes.
There are 30 million more Americans today compared to 2008. I don't expect the demand for vacation homes to dry up, especially as the children of well off baby boomers inherit huge amounts of wealth. There are only so many desirable places, and people spend inherited money with wanton abandon.
Also, a very significant number of my millenial friends in the Denver area own vacation homes. Most of them didn't have help from their parents when they bought second home in a CO ski town. I also know multiple millennials in the NYC area with vacation homes in NE/NY ski towns. There seems to be plenty of demand from millennials to buy vacation homes.
We had some friends (originally from MI) who had lived most of their adult lives in Austin, TX and the Santa Cruz area of CA, and the wife was raving about how much she loved Laramie when they did a college visit with their HS daughter and how she wanted to move there.
I said, "It wasn't windy when you visited, was it?"
She said no, and I suggested she re-visit in January before moving there. :D
You're not wrong...but Livingston, MT.
Sent from my Turbo 850 Flatbrimed Highhorse
I would tend to agree with this. Sure, the Boomer men will die off but the Boomer women will still be around living in those homes for another decade plus after their spouses have kicked the bucket. It will be a slow trickle at best and not enough quantity in any given zip code to make a significant impact. Just my 2.7 cents (due to inflation).
Outside Magazine won't be happy until the last good mountain town is ruined.
I helped a buddy put tyvek over the sheathing of his new house he built SW of Livingston on the Wineglass hill one Saturday. By the end of the day, I felt like I'd ridden a motorcycle with no windshield and no helmet all day. It was traumatizing to be on a ladder and afraid it would blow over with me on it. I felt bad for his two boys who would grow up there. If it was windy, I don't see how they would be able to ride a bike or shoot hoops.
Fairplay would like to enter the chat.
Seriously, not even close. Not even places like Casper can compare. Front Range/East Slope/Whatever people in MT call it, is next level.
Somebody find a list of the windiest towns in the US.
Sent from my Turbo 850 Flatbrimed Highhorse
1. Chicago
Pretty sure kansas and oklahoma have worse wind.
It's just not as consistent... https://wmo.asu.edu/content/tornado-...-doppler-radar
Dude man, that what I'm talking about. Can't I even say it's windy in MT without you coming at me?
If it makes your day, I'm glad I can help. Does it make it better or worse that like got good friends that like in Valier, Choteau and Conrad?
Sent from my Turbo 850 Flatbrimed Highhorse
I grew up around Chicago, my wife grew up in Cheyenne and we spent a bunch of time in Livingston and almost moved there. Also did some building in Livingston. Truss day and tyvek(fuck that use zip systems) are sporty.
Also the whole people will leave when they experience "enter shitty weather event". These people have the means to not have to be exposed to said weather events or just bounce to one of their other homes in a nicer climate.
Not that bumfuck Montana market matters but listings have been dropping fairly consistently here.
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If wind won't drive you crazy the sound of flapping Tyvek will. They could use that as torture.
Sent from my Turbo 850 Flatbrimed Highhorse
Yeah, you're right, Livingston is windier than Fairplay, but not by much.