A scientists work, cadet, is determined by two things. His interests, and the interests of his time. Do you understand?
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A scientists work, cadet, is determined by two things. His interests, and the interests of his time. Do you understand?
Oh, I've seen shit roughed in wrong all the time for various reasons but never just to make their job easier. In residential construction, the final design for bathroom fixtures is usually not on the plans. But you know that right? And the architect isn't paying the plumber so I pretty sure the story is BS but who cares.Quote:
Yep, my favorite was always when plumbers put toilets or sinks in the wrong place in the bathroom to make their job easier
Can we all agree roofers are all scum bags and intellectually challenged.
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We can't. They do smoke a lot of dope though.
Painters here seem to be the stoniest cats I know. Above and beyond the fumes.
Like an electrician has ever cleaned up after themselves...
No one picked on me, it's just hilarious to see people pretend there isn't plenty of bullshit in construction, just like any other job.
As far as hacks - after my dad moved to a very rural area, it wasn't like he always had his pick of crews or sometimes the GC would make a bad sub decision. It happens. He had worked construction all through teen/college years so he did try to build good relationships, but plenty of contractors are lazy selfish fucksticks.
Also as someone that did analysis on comp claims that included 2-3 of the biggest residential and commercial companies, there's good firms and bad firms culture and safety wise, and it showed in the accident reports.
There are shit heads in every profession. This conversation is stupid.
And no offense schuss, but you sound really outta your element talking about construction.
Never worked a large design build have ya? I'll agree with you about management though, starts at the top and shit flows downhill.
I've worked for an architect in the office, I've built resi & commercial. Now I'm a desk jockey. Everyone fucks up. Imo it should be mandatory for an architect to work on a construction site for at least six months as their internship. Architects fuck up a lot. Drawings don't always translate the way they invision.
Every new engineer I hire has to work with a crew for their first 3 months. Some love it, some quit in the first week.
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This is the truth. Buddy of mine worked as a carpenter for 15 years then got a masters in architecture and he always said the same thing. And the homes he designed reflected his hands on experience. The contractors who built his homes had effusive praise for his designs and attention to real world detail. His cut lists were spot on. That shit can save everybody a ton of headaches. Plus he wasn't so invested in his brilliant design that he couldn't be flexible when the situation called for it. Some architects who have no building experience get very insecure and defensive about any proposed changes.
I’m just impressed by how many peoples shit doesn’t stink.
Maybe that Bellingham or Bend home will be in reach...or Hartford, CT if you prefer.
As a van guy in Bozeman, I'm surprised there are not more trailers campers around.
Yeah I think we may see a slight decrease in competition for houses as the interest rates rise. The rising rates are obviously taking some people out of the market. Supply is still far outpacing demand and there just isn't enough new building happening even when you look at places like here in Bozeman and it seems like there is a new condo project on every corner.
There are still plenty of cash buyers out there and the smart money is hedging inflation by parking their cash in RE. So investors with some sense are buying up as much as they can knowing that hoarding USD just makes little sense anymore.
Behind the new Town Pump on the west side of N 19th, behind Kenyon, etc. There are some pretty big camps around.
I'm chairman and director of the matt Foley foundation, so yes