@Single I don't disagree with you but I'm not sure what you are saying. For sure, in the Upper Fraser River Valley a majority of the spec developments are catering towards second homeowners because 80 of the homes (and condos) are owned by second homeowners. And pretty much by definition, more garage and more driveway is less residential density.
Re: Duplex the cost savings are basically limited to two less exterior walls to put finish on. The coding for fire (primarily) mandated that the separation wall is from foundation to roof. So basically it is two single family homes butted up to each other. They are very soundproof. And separate utility service is mandated. You do get more square footage per lot because you skip one side set back. Again, not considered the most profitable product for developers.
I think it is a pretty well know compromise that you go up valley for less square footage and storage or you go down valley and have a longer drive to the ski area. And its 30mins from the High School in Granby to Winter Park. Where do you want to live with your middle class family?
@Jong I don't disagree with you either but how do you extrapolate that idea? What are Planning and Zoning and Building and Infastructure requirements are you opposed to?