It's Not a Bike Accident When a Car Hits a Rider
Days of Precipitation:
NYC: 118
Amsterdam: 217
Lowest low average:
NYC: 27 F January
Amerstdam: 32F January
Existing infrastructure:
This is the intransigence I’m talking about. Close down every tenth block and make them greenways except for delivery traffic. Watch as walking and biking explodes because people feel safer and there’s less noise.
Plowing can be done with a quad rather than a giant truck.
Bikes and pedals don’t tear up roads like cars and trucks so very limited ongoing maintenance costs.
Save money on your existing roads because more people are walking and riding
Incentivize businesses to offer bike lockers and showers for commuters.
It's Not a Bike Accident When a Car Hits a Rider
Originally Posted by
"Public showers" lol like that shit's free and self-cleaning and wouldn't attract homeless ppl and everyone can just have showers at work as part of their compensation because their bosses don't have to pay for it anyway...It's like the climbing gym, potted plants, and security staff - just comes with the building at no cost to anyone!
Don’t you live in the most subsidized state in the country? I’m paying for your sorry ass to pretend to be a frontiersman. What a joke
Edit- sorry you’re number two. This is pathetic given your posting here.
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