I'm curious as to why Moderna but not Pfizer. Any idea?
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One of the ingredients "could" be a problem. He has several allergies to medicines, I don't remember what they are, and the doc doesn't know enough about it so her decision is to stay away. His other doc won't offer an opinion because he doesn't feel like he knows enough about either one. If it was administered in a medical setting rather than a chair in the lobby of the place and there was a doc on site rather than a pharmacist we might be willing to take the chance but it's all so shaky my wife doesn't trust it if he has a bad reaction.
So my wife got the Moderna a week ago: initially had shoulder soreness for a couple days, but now her injection site is itchy, swollen and red, having become worse from days 4-7. Nothing terrible, but she's not psyched on it.
Curious if anyone else has seen this kind of thing from the Moderna shot?
Excited here. Father in law is scheduled to get the pfizer shot on Friday. At the last update, 18 of the 28 residents at the care facility have covid. He's still negative and has been isolated.
Wife got her vaccine an hour ago. She has not started eating my brain yet.
My sister got Moderna vax last week; no side effects at all
Well, for you who assumed I was an anti-vaxxer, I took the Moderna vaccine last Thursday. As a first responder through ski patrol, the local health department said I qualified.
Drive through. Filled out a form. They asked if I had eve had an anaphylactic reaction, which I had in response to penicillin many year ago. Drove to the next station, got the vaccine in my left arm. Needle looked like about a 23 gauge; never felt it go in. Pulled to a parking spot and waited 30 minutes because of the prior anaphylactic reaction.
Injection site was sore for the next two days. No skin irritation. No other side effects.
Yeah, she used some hydrocortisone which helped some. She's had lots of shots/vaccines over the years and nothing like this. Clearly it doesn't appear to be a life-threatening issue by any means, just odd for the delayed escalation after pretty normal stuff the first few days.
It’s going to turn you into a antifa social justice warrior
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Got my second Pfizer shot yesterday around 10am. No issues during the day except my arm feeling increasingly sore, more so than the first shot. Woke up around 2am with a terrible headache, body aches and a 100.8 fever. Took some Tylenol and tried to sleep. Fever finally broke around 7am to 99.7 and now fever free (10am). Body still feels wrecked and the headache is lingering. They had to stagger our schedules so all of the Er nurses have the day off after receiving the second shot. No gills or scales yet so that’s a plus.
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Implanted 5G is the way to go.
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To vaccinate or not: The UK variant along with the variants from South Africa and Brazil appear to have emerged from individuals due to accelerated evolution in an immunocompromised patient as well as in patients given polyclonal serum antibodies.
The mutations allowed the virus to escape treatments. Failure to achieve mass immunization through vaccination will give the virus more opportunities to evade vaccines making them less effective in the future.
I don't know about the vaccine but either the virus or the antibody cocktail clearly causes insanity.
Only for people with orange ancestry
From the land of good news and people thinking on their feet:
TL: DR Ukiah Valley Medical Center's fridge broke down overnight, leaving 850 Moderna doses at room temp at 2am. They had about 4 hours to inject it all before it expired, and they got it done in 2.5 hours via social media and word of mouth for some first come first served action. They figured it was better to inject whomever they could get than to waste it. Good job Ukiah MC.
I'll just leave this here. It wasn't the surveys political implications but everything in between that I found interesting.
What's with Health Care Workers?
Attachment 356508
Pic from survey done here:
Doesn't it seem likely that we will be chasing mutations with yearly, or maybe less often vaccination? Although unless we wind up with a cheap, easy to make, easy to store, easy to give vaccine the challenge of maintaining an ongoing vaccination program with something like the Pfizer or Moderna will be daunting.
My mom gets her vax tomorrow.
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Right? All of these privileged white folks gloating about them & theirs cutting the line and getting in front of the less privileged people who are at much higher risk? It's shameful, to be quite honest. Until all of the people in 3rd world countries have been vaccinated, followed by minority groups in the USA, any white American who gets the vaccine is complicit in the death of affected persons from marginalized groups. It is white privilege to the nth degree.
I love how people assume healthcare workers are rational critical thinkers that trust science. A lot of them go into these careers just because it’s good money and they can pass the coursework. I know many at my hospital who aren’t going to get the vaccine because they don’t trust the science, it’s just the flu, I’m young, I’m going to wait and see, etc., etc. It’s baffling.
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