To Vaccinate or Not---The Rat Flu Odyssey Continues
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Kind of along these lines, a coworker of mine's wife is an ICU Covid nurse. She's been wracked by all this, having had patients die alone, etc.. Anyway, she's scheduled for her first shot next Tuesday. I was surprised that she didn't already have it. Seems the Administration and their office staff already got theirs but the frontline staff didn't get scheduled until after the first group. Nice...
I'm a full time COVID ICU Nurse at a Level 1 Academic Medical Center and I very nearly missed out on the first batch, which would have bumped me past January 4th. Their system broke down and even though we were giving shots 14 hours a day, I wasn't given a spot. I had to call my manager on a friday night and make a big stink. She called our service line director who said I could come in right then. I think it was more just cluster-fuckery than prioritizing the wrong people but still. The rollout was not well organised, and based on how the rest of this has been handled by my hospital I'm really not surprised. Cutting staff back to the bare minimum in every dept. has been the MO for years and now it's biting us in the ass worse than ever. Well, my ass, not admin. All that said, we started vaccinating on the 15th, I got mine on the 18th, and now 40% of our clinical staff, 6500 people have gotten their first dose. So overall the news is good.
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Perhaps the doc should make the vaccine a condition of employment. Assuming it's his/her office. I'd be inclined to do it if I was an employer...
This is starting to become a real problem in rural areas. Healthcare workers are leaving in droves due to being shunned and even threatened by conspiracy theory assholes.
Edit- I had a pretty bad headache for a couple days starting about 24 hours out. Worth it.