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Yeah, so here is the ‘story’, according to my kook SIL.....There’s a “doctor” who posted a video on YouTube. I know. So in this video, said doctor claims to have seen the original patent # for the Pfizer vaccine, which contains the number 666. Ergo, anyone getting the vaccine is being marked by Satan. Also, the doctor claims to have “reliable sources” at the FTC who said Bill Gates submitted a patent to bar code every one when they get their second booster.......And somehow Putin is the Antichrist, and designed 5G to control everyone in the world....I shit you not. I finally had enough and called the BIL and said if they wanted to inhabit alternate reality world that was their business, but if they send any of that nonsense to Mrs. Seano or the minis I’d personally drive down to Texas and fuck someone up. And the MIL is persona non grata, at least while I’m around. Fucking insanity. I’m tired of this shit.