Not likely anything will budge the culture wars unfortunately.
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Suck it up a little longer? What a load. This country needs to protect its citizens and stop pandering to the morons that are putting us and our kids at risk.
Doesn’t effects kids?
I’ve said this before but what’s the threshold for deciding to put your kids at risk, particularly in a country where reliable stats are slow and sparse? Obviously it’s different for everyone, but we’re not willing to take the risk. We’ll just continue to hole up and pretend that it’s going to eventually get better.
The right wing nuts should be recruited to "militia training camps" in Idaho and Montana, once they're all in there lock the gates, spray and make them get shots to get out.
I see a metric shit ton of unmasked kids everywhere I go. I was down in NH and MA for an AAU basketball tournament last weekend and probably saw a grand total of two masked under 12s. I saw more elderly people masked than masked kids. I even saw a few double maskers.
Treating the Unvaccinated
In Utah, and across the U.S., doctors are facing a wave of preventable COVID deaths—and trying to convince the hesitant that “it doesn’t have to be this way.”
Despite a looming fourth wave of COVID-19 in the United States, many people are still refusing vaccinations. “It’s like riding a motorcycle without a helmet.“ one critical-care physician said. “The wake-up call always comes too late.”
1 Verify that vaccination works well
2 Increase spread to the unvaxxed so they get natural immunity sooner*
3 Maple syrup sales
If you're going to make it to community immunity (herd immunity) level of protection, maybe at least wait until vaccinations trail off. Give everyone a chance to develop immunity who wants it. Even then, you might restrict crossing to vaxxed Americans and/or PCR-negative too (it's looking like the vaxxed can transmit somewhat). The vaccine doesn't protect everyone, so allowing infected people in increases risk to those who can't mount a strong immune response (oldsters, immune compromised, organ transplants, etc).
* If you're considering the "let's get everyone sick" strategy, keep an eye on England for the next few weeks. They are opening. Cases are rapidly climbing. Watch what happens with hospitalizations and death over the next month.
The Sinovac vaccine is finally doing it for Chile, at the worst time of the year (winter). With 74% of adults fully vaxxed, and about 60% of the total pop., cases and positivity are falling fast.
Attachment 379645
The bright side of that is the ski areas are open, even on weekends, fully vaxxed only, thanks.
US, UK, and Israel cases continue to rise. UK looks scariest.Quote:
Boris Johnson’s policy poses ‘danger to the world’, as cases soar past 50,000 a day
My niece in London (and her friends) got the Delta, and is recovering ok, but hospitalizations in general are rising.
Vaccination rates:
Attachment 379646
The same people who won't get vaccinations or wear masks only wear helmets to keep from getting tickets. And sometimes not even then, If we can force people to wear helmets--which doesn't protect anyone but the rider (except financially)--we can do the same for vaccinations.
A reminder, since several people mentioned herd immunity--previous infection will not produce herd immunity as one of our experts has pointed out. Only vaccination will do that.
Canada produces 75% of the worlds maple syrup
USA just produces more dead Americans
How? You going to literally show up to their house and strap them down? You can make peoples lives inconvenient, but you can't force them. And personally, I would find that incredibly authoritarian.
In rural MT there's not a lot of helmet or seat-belt wearing either. These people sure as fuck arn't gonna be forced to get a vax by the gubmit and if you try to make businesses enforce it for entry, that shit ain't happening out here either.
Infect them all and let god sort it out
Same here. Note the past tense in my statement. The word around here from young school kids was that they were fine with masks back when they had to wear them. Nobody still does, but the data on how safe kids are is heavily influenced from earlier times. Damn shame if we don't manage to take this chance to curtail their usual vectoring.
I was messaging with a friend in Sidney last night. The delta variant apparently spread faster than their contract tracing system could handle and they are in a pretty severe lockdown with a $3,000 fine if you’re caught breaking the rules.
Ski with no helmet
Raw dog feels good
Does federal OSHA have any ability to require precautions or density reductions if employers don’t have X percentage of their workforce vaccinated?
IE - you have to reduce the density in your factory to X unless you have 70/80/90 percent vaccinated.
I don’t think anything changes unless those states get overrun.
But with the governors in certain states actively working against increasing the vaccination rate I doubt anything changes.
Close, but not quite as cool
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It's because AstraZeneca doesn't work very well against the Delta variant correct? And Australia's leaned heavily on that vaccine it looks like.
Chile, that's interesting. Maybe Sinovac works better than folks thought? or the Delta variant just hasn't hit South America that hard yet?
WW3 starts here ;)
Forgot to mention... if a population is not going to reach herd immunity through vaccination, the eventual reopening will cause rising cases. Once vaccination tails off there's some argument to let it rip. Maybe balanced against a future therapeutic, if we think we'll get a good one. Also vaccinating kids - if we decide not to do that, we're deciding to let them all get infected (which is the safer approach if Covid effects are less than vax effects, and we consider only the kids' health). Just a matter of how fast we allow the unvaxxed to get infected, most all of them eventually will.
So easy to vaccinate (or isolate) a herd of animals. So hard to do the same for humans.
So far, human behavior changes drive infection more than vaccination. Israel, UK, US have relatively high vax rates, all have rising cases. You could almost claim the vaccines don't work, though hospitalizations are 99% unvaxxed showing they do work.
It is possible Sinovac is better at preventing spread, but it's probably more restrictions (or good behavior). There's a few studies looking well the various vaccines prevent infection or spread. I've not followed many - the numbers aren't as good as the efficacy vs severe disease.
Aussies are way behind on vaccinating. They are trying the Kiwi full suppression strategy but have a (tiny compared to other countries) delta outbreak.