For sure. Not a tool for comparing variants, just a way for eventually- deadly diseases to survive.
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For sure. Not a tool for comparing variants, just a way for eventually- deadly diseases to survive.
Explain SADS
Only after you exlain ASCRS. I think there's a real story there worth discussing.
You clicked a link that ends in "anal-fissure?"
Ok, yeah, that checks out.
To click or not to click
commotio cordis
All the cool kids are doing it.
Happens every day.
Always has. Always will. Oh. Wait. No. Or yes. I recall daily reports of famous fit athletes dropping dead. Yeah. Happens all the time.
Could be Covid. Could be the vax. Might be both. But it is off limits for debate.
Attachment 441310
Oooh, a bar chart, I'm officially convinced.
In case anyone is curious where those "statistics" come from:
Scroll down for the list of "athletes" supposedly dead from post-covid vax cardiac issues, many of which 1) are recreational athletes in their 40s, 50s, and 60s; 2) have no listed cause of death or had causes of death listed that were explicitly not cardiac-related; and 3) are based entirely on early news reports written prior to any official COD determination that also typically say nothing about when or even if they were vaccinated at all.
This post on the site about Global Warming is just oustanding:
Who actually writes the content on that site? They've decided it's best that you not know:
"A few people have been asking who we are, what our credentials are, and what we’re trying to prove.
We are a small team of investigators, news editors, journalists, and truth seekers, now backed up by others, who are discovering pieces of information that we can investigate. It doesn’t really matter who we are. What really matters is that we care carrying on an investigation and we’re presenting the evidence we’ve found, almost all of it documented in mainstream media publications.
We’re doing this anonymously because we’ve seen people viciously attacked and threatened for doing things like this, so we’re not going to open ourselves or any of our contacts to that."
Does it hurt to be this dumb?
Unfortunately ........ bliss.
Although willful ignorance is indeed next level bliss.
Isn't it all death technically CARDIAC death? You're dead when your heart stops beating amirite? Decapitated but died when the heart stopped beating.. cardiac death!
Kinda reminds me of Covid deaths. Motorcycle accident? Covid.
Anyways. I’m old enough to remember Lenn Bias. It was national news when he dropped dead on the court. That doesn’t usually happen. That’s why it was news.
Turns out he was doing coke. Hopefully some hookers were involved the night before. RIP.
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome?
Never heard of it. Until now. Ymmv.
You're old enough but too stoned to even get the IMPORTANT details right. He didn't die on the court. He died in his dorm room after doing a shit ton of coke..
Sudden cardiac death is the leading cause of death for teenage athletes?
Oh shit. It’s that faux news channel cbs
it still doesn't
goddam you are dumb
ask your wife how many dead pro athletes she's seen - she must be seeing one a day at these rates
fuck the NFL and NBA must be pulling dead bodies outta the games every night
sooner or later you're gonna have to backpedal to the "I'm just asking questions" defense that you used when you were denying the severity of the Holocaust
Huh. Cool video about intrinsic heart defects and conditions. Awareness about screening.
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The fear plus anonymity is a feature. Adds credibility and fits with a true understanding of the world. It all makes sense once you realize the lengths the ruling elites went to (time travel) to convince scientists and engineers that diesel fires can weaken steel. Or how chemtrails control weather.
Or if you click enough anal-fissure links to just lose your damn mind. Either way.
JFC is it 2020????
Stop being a disingenuous asshole. You know in cases where such silliness occurred it was a handful and had no impact on actually statistical trends reported. You know this because this was discussed extensively in 2020 when such misinformation was put forth. You are a shit troll. STFU JONG.
No need to get all polite an' shit.
There is no official, reliable database of cardiac deaths in young athletes. Cardiac death specifically in young athletes or specifically during exercise or sports is not a coded diagnosis or cause of death. That means it is not easily searchable. How many such deaths your find depends entirely on how you define them, how you look, where you look, and how hard you look. It happens. It's very sad when it does. On a purely anecdotal basis it seems I hear more about heat stroke deaths--although those are probably a particular problem for football--given when in the year practice starts and the build of the average lineman.
he would be a troll if he were just making shit up to be provocative in order to get a response - any response
I suspect he truly believes what he posts - less of a troll and more of an easily duped sponge brain moron who feeds his desire to feel intelligent by believing that he sees the truth (covid jabs, chemtrails and 9/11 etc) that few others are capable of understanding.
Basically a lifetime seasons pass to the mountain on the left
Attachment 441373
But yeah - a picture of a soccer player facedown on the field! That never ever happens in that sport so checkmate!
And Lenny Bias! It's an epidemic of healthy NBA players dying right on the court - just look at this example from the 80s!
the only question is how his brain can be so soft and smooth at the same time.
Maybe tower 7 was vaccinated??
that’s weird, this guy had heart problems from covid.
Surely there's nothing else these people all had in common besides being vaccinated against COVID amirite? Did anyone een check to see if they all had the SAME COVID vax?
Does anyone have any credible info on how rapid home antigen tests are working against current omicron sub variants?
Our PCR testing site closed down. To get a decent test we have to go to the doc get swabbed then a follow up appt even if we don’t have it. My daughter and I have had the crud for 3 days. Home tests negative this morning and we are not terribly sick, (Super low fever, head congestion and headaches). Figure it’s a damn cold but I don’t want to go passing Rona around if we go back out and about.
We can go make doc appts but I’m kinda thinking 3+ days at least one of us would pop +. And, I think I tickled my brain with the swab. Definitely a good sample of my boogers.
Pretty shitty of your doc to squeeze a second copay and visit out of you just to get a covid result. Id complain about that and /or get another doc
Anecdotally, i think the at home tests aren’t working all that great anymore w current variants. It sounds like you have the Vid though for sure
Our whole house got it, four of us, back in October. We did a ton of antigen tests and they were dead-on. Started showing positive at the first sign of symptoms and stayed positive until several days after the major symptoms subsided. Never had a false negative.
Seriously. Why isn’t the result just reported straight to their online patient portal?
I typically get results and then the doc follows up with commentary via the online inbox if necessary.
So I’ve been told by the local health dept that because docs and our hospital aren’t consider dedicated labs the policy has to be swab…wait for results and then a follow up appt even if you’re negative. Some bullshit insurance crap. If you’re + you get a telehealth show. - and you have to go in and get evaluated for a cold. I don’t mind paying for a doc appt but seems kinda silly to pay the doc for a cold unless it escalates to a lung infection thing.
Maybe I’ll go and chip away at the deductible.