So if all options are on the table and you have no concerns about mRNA vs “traditional” vaccines is there a choice that is superior?
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So if all options are on the table and you have no concerns about mRNA vs “traditional” vaccines is there a choice that is superior?
I see a push by some epidemiologist and people like Eric Topol for novavax because of the hope for longer durability.
Personally, that’s what I’m doing because I am hoping for less side effects. My ass got kicked for several days with every mRNA vax/booster.
I use the term “traditional” because I didn’t want to look it up.
ETA: topols take has more points and nuance:
My wife's back was killing her after the vaccine yesterday--because of the 2 hour line with no place to sit at Kaiser.
Latest covid and flu vaxxes in the arm as of an hour ago. Starting to drool on myself and I'm craving brains for dinner. Phone reception still sucks.
Well, shit. My symptoms came back yesterday and I just tested positive again this morning. I thought I was back 100% over the weekend. I guess that's the issue with taking Paxlovid. I first tested positive two weeks ago Friday.
Ordered my free test. Got an email from USPS telling me my tests arrive tomorrow. Then another email telling me they're coming friday. Then another one telling me they're coming today.
Rite Aid declaring Chapter 11. Apparently none of the freestanding big pharmacies are doing well. I'm no fan of megacorps but the pharmacy chains have been doing good work with vaccines. I hope they're still around for the next pandemic; if we have to get them from doctors' offices and hospitals we're screwed. (My wait yesterday was only 20 minutes, compared to my wife's 2 hours. Why would a retired person go to Kaiser to get a shot on a Saturday?)
That's disappointing to hear as Rite Aid has been great getting appointments in and out quickly for our family.
Covid/Flu last night with daughters and we were in and out in 25 minutes, even with showing up 20 minutes early to the appointment.
Sore arm and joints today, but not bad. Protected for another year!
During the peak of the pandemic tho, cvs etc didnt hire additional staff and expected overworked pharmacists to add vaccination logistics into their regular workload. A lot of them bailed/retired because of the additional work load being unrealiatic. I’m not sure what’s going on with now pharmacies but I suspect it has a lot to do w the pharm management industry determining profits and consolidation. But agreed, it would suck to not have that Avenue for vaccinations. Although the drive thru at UCSF was the most efficient and easy by far. Wish they still offered it. Conversely the Kaiser clinic has had a line down the block everyday this round
Our local Rite Aid got gobbled up by Walgreens and absolutely sucks ass. I stopped going there which sucks because it's walking distance. It was originally a Brooks, before Rite Aid, before Walgreens. It went downhill each time. I go to Kinney Drugs or CVS for my long term meds. I got my vaccinations at Kinney yesterday.
So, I forgot what the final verdict was. Is it ok to take Tylenol one day in? Starting to feel like shit, right on schedule.
I got a walk in flu vax several days ago and no issues I could notice
the pharmacist sez the covid vax is not available yet up here so i will have to wait for the guvermint to give me the heads up
We’ve been seeking novavax for ourselves, in part cuz of the likelihood of less side effects. Had appt yesterday for our college freshman kid. Got to the Rite Aid pharmacy and they had not ever received the vax shipment. They do not know when they’ll receive that vax. Because of that, my wife called the CVS pharmacy where she had an appt for herself and 1 of our other kids, and that pharmacy told her that they’d ran out and do not know when they’ll receive another batch.
Pfizer wasn’t my first choice but it was the easiest and quickest appointment available. A little chill and a little blah. No big deal.
My last couple vaxes were moderna and they went fine. The only big reaction I have had was with the 2nd of the first two shots back in 2021. That was pfizer and it kicked my ass completely for a couple of days.
So I did the trifecta over a two week period: flu, shingles, and the COVID booster (Pfizer). The only one that got me was the COVID booster, felt like shit for 24 hours, which hadn’t happened before…. On the plus side, my 5G reception is BALLER.
The 2023 COVID booster made me miserable from about hour 20 untill I fell asleep. I was fine when I woke up. The 2022 booster didn't even register. Placebo. The shingles shot #1 on the other hand fucked me up for about five days. #2 didn't register. Placebo.
It’s all random. Or at least as far we should be concerned. Prepare to feel like shit so you’re not caught off guard.
Each mRNA vax I’ve received floored me for 36+ hrs. Fever, heavy muscle/joint pain, etc. for that 36 hr period. Wake up the next day after that timeframe and feel good.
Got the booster on Sept 16 2023
Got infected with Covid at a football game last Sunday.
I can see how easy it is to get sprayed with covid spit .
People were drunk, screaming, yelling,etc right behind my back at the game.
Missed Thanksgiving quarantined.
Mainly bad head cold, some body aches and chills.
I'm so happy I got the booster though.
Hopefully it keeps the symptoms down.
Get ready for everyone getting symptoms on Sunday.
3 days after the Thanksgiving Superspreader
I very well could have been that superspreader.
I thought it was allergies bothering me.
We had test kits here so I took one just in case.
Strong positive on it.
To those about to check in here that got infected on Thanksgiving, I send positive energy your way 🙌💥
Apparently, there are projections of lots of covid in the US through the rest of the year.
Thing 1 and I got novavax earlier this week at Costco. No side effects for either of us. Even with flu vax in the same arm at the same time. Barely a sore arm. mRNA vaxes all floored btoh of us for over 30 hrs in the past.
My wife got covid last week for the first time. Me I’ve still not got it - I have no interest in rolling the dice on long covid.
I'm embarrassingly out of the loop here. Had Astra Zeneca as my first shot, then three Pfizers since. Had really brutal reactions to all.
Sounds like Novavax is a bit easier for those who had severe reactions to mRNA vaccines with similar (albeit not quite equal) effectiveness than the XBB? Does that jive with what others are seeing?
There is some documentation to support that some experience less side effects. I was relieved to experience that myself. Supposedly there’s some evidence that novavax booster effectiveness will not wane as quickly as the mRNA.