To Vaccinate or Not---The Rat Flu Odyssey Continues
Nope I’m not covering anything up.
I said maybe why the vaccinated person in question still got covid is that he isn’t living a healthy life. Could be that or a million other reasons like other chronic illnesses, poor hygiene practices, smoking, bad luck, genetic susceptibility etc etc etc.
It’s an anecdotal story. Just like mine. You’re looking for the answers you want in anecdotes while ignoring the greater body of robust evidence that shows that vaccines work.
My story of never getting covid despite being exposed to it regularly is as useless as someone talking about their supervisor getting it despite being vaccinated. 2 meaningless stories amongst billions of people. I don’t make health decisions based on the experience of the supervisor of a padded room denizen. I suggest you do the same.
But please show us where I made a nonsensical contradictory statement.
Follow that up with showing where I called you a name.
To Vaccinate or Not---The Rat Flu Odyssey Continues
Originally Posted by
You were crowing smugly about how your four vax shots were "working" because you haven't got covid. I pointed out that a lot of people who get vaxxed still get infected, and asked you to explain why your protection was so superior to theirs. You couldn't answer the question without walking back your bullshit statement about how the shots are "working" for you in terms of not getting infected. So instead you pivoted to a bunch of hoohaw about how your experience is just anecdotal and people who are getting infected need to lead a "healthier life," and I'm stupid because I can't see how smart you are, and it must be the fault of my teachers, etc. Lol. I've read enough of your posts and attacks on others in this thread to have formed a pretty clear opinion on your level of intelligence and maturity, not to mention your ability to parse information.
Pointing out that my vaccines appear to be working is not crowing smugly - but you got pretty triggered by it though LOL
Yes lots of people get vaccinated and still get covid. Lots of people get vaccinated and don’t. Someone felt the need to post an anecdote about the former. I posted one about the latter. Yet you’re not attacking them or challenging them to explain their post. I wonder why? Fits your narrative better perhaps?
How the fuck am I supposed to explain why I haven’t got covid and some random other vaccinated person did? You know that’s an impossible task - yet you seem to think this is some gotcha moment because I can’t explain it. That’s fucking super lame and I suspect you know it.
The shots ARE working for me along with everything else I’m doing - and you can’t show me where I tried to walk that back because I never tried to.
And all that being said my anecdotal experience is not some “hoohaw” whatever the fuck that means. My anecdotal experience is just that….anecdotal - look up “anecdotal” if you’re struggling with that word.
You might not be stupid - but your posts in here today are. You keep making claims about what I’m saying and when I ask you where you just pivot. You’re flailing bro.