Thanks for the reply.
So on a meta level, there are some ways to parse the data, but on an individual level, is there any way to tell at all?
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What a maroon.
haha. you go, son.
Ok so yea dementia.
hopefully soon it sets in to where you can't use a computer and just drool all day.
Seriously though, how old ARE you? I remember seeing a picture of you here in my youth like 2 decades ago and you looked like a decrepit old fossil then. Seriously I'd like to know.
you cited it yourself this morning, leroy -
14% claim PTSD as a result of covid.
in my post, I also acknowledge the trauma of long-term abuse may be as traumatic as combat to a soldier.
I used to hear about soldiers being "shell shocked" - symptoms I equate with PTSD.
I believe my uncle died at forty-six of the trauma he experienced in wwii...
I consider your comment to try to cause me
another episode of PTSD a threat - consistent with the class you show in your posts ;
I will try to be Clear -
Stay Away from me.
Thank you. tj
PTSD was included in DSM3 in 1980 ;
PTSD was included in ICD in 1992 ;
in 2013, PTSD was reclassified in DSM, because '60% of diagnosis did not involve traumatic death. '
leroy cites physical trauma to a newborn child - which may produce similar changes in 'brain chemistry' potentially similar to soldiers who experience brain injury.
I will try to be Very Clear -
physical trauma to a newborn child will cause a Brain Injury, it does not cause Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
goodbye, leroy -
Stay Away from me.
The way you are asking your question presupposes that there even is a Long COVID like effect from the vaccine that would have to be sorted out. That signal is not present in the data. Nobody has demonstrated any evidence that this occurs at all or in general. Instead the evidence is that the vaccine reduces Long COVID risk. Thus there is nothing to tell in terms of your question as it is asking to differentiate something case-by-case that isn't differentiable because it is not demonstrated to exist. This post is intentionally reiterative.
No threat. I'm a peace loving person who wishes the best on others, and feels no desire or temptation to see others come to harm. I don't even experience schadenfreude, but I understand the mechanisms that could cause PTSD, and I understand that under the right circumstances almost anyone could develop it.
I'm asking you though, where do your opinions come from? Because they are just opinions. The DSM disagrees with you. Why hold opinions that are invalidating to others truama?
And yes, emotional truama, especially at a young age for a long period of time, without brain injury, absolutely can cause PTSD, which is proven in catscans. Not may, does. You should look up catscans of people with PTSD vs a neurotypical brain. If fear is the first thing you learn of the universe it will absolutly affect your developement. This is actually called COMPLEX PTSD.
But you just don't believe in it, because why? I'm really curious, why disbelieve in it, instead of just have the attitude that you don't know and haven't experienced it? Why take the fundamentally invalidating stigmatizing view and proselytize it?
You know not all combat vets who get PTSD have any sort of physical injury right? And I didn't cite people with covid saying they have PTSD. Honestly that is a stretch of the criteria. Someone talked about PTSD being psychosomatic and it is not.
Again, no threat, no ill wishes, but cannot understand why people want to disbelieve in it?
post preservation. tj
- - -
goat cited PTSD. in soldiers --
I believe goat has experience with "psychosomatic" conditions that few in this thread ,,, even appreciate.
I looked-up the definition of 'psychosomatic' because I Am uncomfortable with the way it is being used - But
'psychosomatic' includes conditions made worse by (cognitive / psychologic / thinking ) factors.
( leroy ) is finding offense where there is none.
PTSD may be controversial - Because in 2013, 60% of professional diagnosis did not fit the Professional Reference ( DSM- IV. "traumatic death" hence My associating it with soldiers in combat. )
kindergarten teachers are not assessing kindergarten students for PTSD ; they are assessing children for brain trauma.
I'm pretty careful with my opinions around here -
I review References, and regarding covid, I have read or reviewed a lot of the citations.
my earlier post this evening specifically acknowledged the potential for abuse to create a 'traumatic stress disorder' - specifically acknowledged it --
the rest of (leroy's) subsequent post ,,, is largely incorrect supposition
( I am reasonably confident the diagnosis of PTSD does not require a specific CATSCAN finding.
who's to say whether a soldier did or did not experience physical trauma (?) remember "shell shocked" )
finally, I will echo Summit's comment, that (leroy's) attempt to project symptoms of long-covid / post-covid with vaccination directly conflicts with the studies that consistently show the benefits of vaccination, including in studies of long-covid.
Thank you. and
I apologize for the thread drift.
please get your booster. tj
What like I'm going to delete it?
Ok, keep on going around stigmatizing and invalidating people with CPTSD without any reason that you can state. I guess you get something out of that. Turn a complete hypothetical into a 'threat' if you really want to, but dont' answer my question. Have a great day. I'm honestly glad you're sheltered enough to actually believe PTSD doesn't exist separate from traumatic brain injury. Again, I find causing harm to others to be very unfulfilling and avoid it at all costs, and wish you the best. Really curious to hear an actual answer as to why you hold these views or spout them but yea I guess you don't have one. God bless.
I can see why you would think this and it would seem reasonable.
There are long covid like symptoms in the pages of vax side effects released by pfizer and moderna though, and I do believe there have been some issues with data collecting and reporting. The CDC admitted to manipulating the data to quell dissent. Even if that was different data than those studies rely on, with the long covid like symptoms reported by the companies making the vax, it seems like an attitude of entertaining the possibility of vax injuries being real would not be a bad thing, no? And also that developing some sort of way to tell the difference on an individual basis would be highly valuable, for all of us except the pharma companies.
Pretty sure a tourniquet will cure covid and long covid complications right leroy??
Show me where it says on the Moderna, Pfizer, or CDC websites that the "long covid like" symptoms after vaccination can be persistent. Obviously if someone has had the vaccine and covid in short order one could claim the persistent symptoms were due to the vaccine and not the covid and it would be hard to prove otherwise; therefore one has to go by the data on people who have not had covid--the data in the trials and in post release surveillance (not VERS, which has been manipulated by the anti vaxers). With the exception of the myocarditis and pericarditis with the mRNA's and the blood clots with J and J the side effects listed are common with all vaccines and the myocarditis and pericarditis also seem to be self limited.
So if you've got some evidence of persistent post vaccine symptoms in people who did not have covid, show it.
We seem to be miscommunicating. i am unsure the point of many of the things you are saying and you seem to unintentionally misconstrue many things i say.
For one, I never said catscans are needed to diagnose PTSD. I said PTSD can be shown in a catscan and its existence is proven.
Again, the dictionary definition for clinical or medical terms is often inadequate. The clincial defintion varies from webster's as I detailed in my first reply to you.
PTSD exists, and is not psychosomatic, and does not need to come from anything life threatening. If you're 2 years old you don't even know what is life threatening. If you admit abuse can create a traumatic stress disorder, are you asserting it can only create Acute Stress Disorder? By definition, anything long lasting in effects, or caused by long lasting continual trauma is POST TRAUMATIC Stress Disorder, or Complex PTSD, although that hasn't been accepted in the DSM yet, it will probably be in the next one. You also did say you don't think emotional trauma meets the current criteria. Emotional trauma includes fear. Just because its not fear for your life doesn't mean it can't cause PTSD. Fear of rape for instance.
Is any of that really anything you can disagree with? Are we just on different wavelengths here?
Uh yea.
I already said this. You can see ptsd in a catscan. That doesn't make it part of the diagnostic criteria.
The key peice of data in getting psylocibin mushrooms legalized for clinical use in not terminally ill patients was their ability to permanently alter PTSD brain chemistry back to healthy, as evidenced in catscans. This was something no drug or treatment has ever been able to replicate especially in as short a time span.
You can see PTSD in a catscan. Its a real thing.
Still not sure exactly what you're disagreeing with, now it seems like perhaps we're speaking different languages as I have already clarified this.
Do you even know what the word "long" means in the context of "long covid" Mr. Macaroon? Or maybe its no longer Mr. And "identify with" means mean that's your pronoun now.
Greater than 2 months post infection, more than 2 months post vaccination. None of the "excepts" for rare adverse events post vaccination happen after 6-8weeks. Not long covid symptoms.
I'm still playing nice at this point because I've met you IRL and aware of your ptsd. But you go on and show us on the doll where the vaccine hurt you.
No I did not. You are clearly out of your depth. I cannot take you seriously if you just spout what you think you heard or read. There is a difference between having fatigue for a day or two after a shot and having it for 6 months after covid.
As far as PTSD-- yes, there are subtle changes in brain imagining. There are physical changes in the brain with every experience you have, have memory you store, traumatic, joyous, or blah. As I alluded to before, the distinction between the physical and the mental is a lot fuzzier than most people think. So PTSD after say watching your whole family be murdered and the temporary emotional distress of being stood up on a date are not as qualitatively different as you might think. They both involve physical changes in the brain--more or less subtle.
a CT scan is a static set of images (like a bunch of photographs of slices of the tissue) - what exactly are you describing when you say different parts are overactive vs underactive? You can't see "activity" on a garden variety CT scan of the brain no more that you can see activity in a knee joint in a standard xray image.
And can you tell us how often CT scans of the brain (garden variety or otherwise) are used to diagnose conditions like PTSD and schizophrenia?
It's actually Dr Macaroon. I'm not a doctor, but Dr is my pronoun, at least in covid threads.
Yea, the timeline thing makes some sense, but isn't there still some overlap? if you get vaxxed and infected, in whatever order, within a few weeks of each other, then its going to be hard to tell? I mean I guess the label of what caused it doesn't effect treatment, but it should affect our societal approach to it.
You interpret my posts as doubting the vax being entirely safe, which is correct, but keep in mind the things I am saying also invalidate people with long covid who blame it on the vax, or people who blame other people's long covid on the vax. There are those who think long covid doesn't exist. I'm more trying to understand how we can tell the difference more than arguing one side entirely. A lot of my own skepticism comes from how things are being handled from a legal perspective and not even just a medical. Like you can't sue the vax companies for damages because you took it voluntarily. I don't get why thats the case? Especially if its mandated, sure you can quit the job thats forcing you and you aren't 'forced' any more, but its still coercion, and if data has been withheld then it seems like both the informed and consent part are kind of gray areas. When these companies have made such huge sums of money, and taxpayer money off this, then I feel like perhaps we as a society should be handling it slightly different, even if adverse affects are rare they can be quite serious, and it seems like it'd be good to have more of a reasonable dialouge about that. I also open my big mouth so people will tell my things I don't know and I can learn which I admit is a little alien to many.
We've met? Fuck man I don't remember, where/when was that? My bad.
I don't want to be a macaroon any more. I've decided I'm Dr Eclair.
That reminds me, I worked at a national park years ago and there were a few Chinese visa workers. they all chose american names to make things simpler, each of them chose like an actual name, except this one dude, he'd stick out his hand, look you in the eye, and say, "My name is Danish"