Maybe come back to this statement tomorrow & see if it still makes sense to you
covid is a transmissible disease; it isn’t a political statement
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yes, it is disappointing this is a polarizing issue. but I see the issues differently --
Why would someone announce during dinner that she is unvaccinated ?
If you do not believe that vaccination reduces transmission of the virus, we probably can't have a discussion about this ;
why do you believe the only option was to get-up during dinner and leave (?)
your risk may be minimal - mine is not
( your risk assessment probably does not apply, and that doesn't make my risk assessment any less valid. And it is a significant leap to equate it to 'judgement' . )
it's Not being vaccinated that leads to the 'judgement (pnw's term) ' but rather the decision to not-vaccinate.
5000 ( five thousand ) died last week with covid -
( the epidemic of the unvaccinated )
" freedom" my butt.
Thank you for being vaccinated - and boostered.
I judge people based on their character not their sexual orientation, color of skin, vaxx status etc. I sure as hell wouldn’t come on here to talk behind a “friends” back about whether they are vaxx’d or not. It was a weird post. Telling of someone’s character.
Funny that you would be criticizing someone for judging. Isn't that exactly what you're doing?
As far as "talking behind her friend's back"--that would imply she's talking to people who know her friend, not anonymous strangers on the internet who don't even know who KQ is.
It is worth mentioning that with the current variants it probably makes little difference whether you're eating dinner with someone who's vaccinated or unvaccinated. Unless someone has been recently boosted the vaccines aren't dong a very good job of preventing people from carrying the virus or getting mildly ill from it.
you are missing the forest for the trees
let's say you go on a date with someone & they decide to tell you they have mono as you say goodbye
it's not an issue of judging someone for having mono
the issue is that person didn't think that them having mono was anyone's business but their own even as they choose to kiss you goodnight
what is jarringly ironic is that you are so vested in this idea that people should respect others' independence, but, at the same time, you don't think other people deserve respect in kind for their health and safety
the fact that KQ posted about the interaction here also doesn't void her friendship
further, the idea of kq getting up & leaving doesn't demonstrate any kind of respect, just some invented idea of thought purity
Well. I'm still pretty bitter at the subset of folks who chose to make the pandemic worse by being anti vaxx AND anti mask. They have blood on their hands. We're supposed to just make nicey nice now? The folks who were stringently one OR the other I can eventually agree to disagree with. They put their money where their mouth is. I've run into a few anti-vaxx who were very much pro mask, social distancing, all of it. I disagree with their decision on the vaxx, however I respect that they gave a shit and did the rest. The folks who vaxxed and stopped doing the rest early on, I also disagree with their decision, but I see where they were coming from. It's the nihilists who don't give a shit and thought it was all a hoax or whatever line of BS that I'm going to have a hard time welcoming back into the family.
the irony for me is that the people who are complaining about "polarization" are the ones making a partisan issue of a medical issue (highly transmissible disease)
no one is choosing to get covid
but there are, for sure, people choosing to not take any of the measurable steps that might help stave it off
(masking, distancing, tracking/notifying, vaccinating)
and meanwhile, it continues to kill
we are on the threshold of 1M US deaths due to covid
' It was a weird post. '
unless you understand some of the background -
Would your 'judgement' be the same If you were the primary caregiver for an elderly parent ?
would your 'judgement' be the same if you were old enough that Age is a risk factor ?
I don't understand why it was necessary during dinner to declare that one is Unvaccinated... (?)
it's interesting to see some try to turn this on the poster -
... do you know her friend ?
( I don't see that she has identified her friend -
but if you equate that to 'talking behind someone's back' and relating a personal experience is a character flaw.,
I probably need to take a course in sensitivity. )
Thank you for being vaccinated - and boostered. tj
I might have smiled at my friend and said "Thanks for sharing. I guess? 100 people will die from it while we eat but I'm protected. How's your soup?"
NWSkier is right. There is no connection between the personal choices people make and their character. No connection at all.
Yeah, WTF? Of course I judge people on their choices, especially choices that impact others and society as a whole. That's the criteria we should use to judge people.
Covid denial and refusal to mask should be equated to drunk driving. The two choices are so similar, and yet no one gets on Team Drive Drunk as an expression of tribalism and freedumb.
Talk behind her back? I relayed a situation I was a party to. I stated facts. Are you saying a person can't talk about things unless all people who are part of a story are there to state their part?
I didn't say anything other than what she said, that she was unvaxxed. How is that talking behind her back?
This is a thread about vaccination isn't it?
Why would it matter?
If you’re vaccinated, then you’re protecting yourself from bad symptoms and hospitalization.
This is the part I really don’t get. Who cares what their status is after all we’ve learned from Covid?
Maybe the inland NW clique is trying to make it about virtue signaling? Think of all the people being judged by their actions for God’s sake.
What else is there to judge someone on except choice and action? That’s what defines someone’s character. How can someone confuse gender and ethnicity with vaccination status?
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